Chapter 8
Bilbo and the dwarves begin their journey through the dark forest of Mirkwood. They are running out of food when they come across the enchanted stream that Beorn had warned them about. Bilbo sees a boat on the other side, and, with great difficulty, they pull the boat toward them. Once they cross over to the other side, Bombur falls into the stream. Enchanted by the waters of the stream, Bilbo falls asleep for four days. Bilbo and the dwarves resume their journey, taking turns to carry Bombur.
The next morning when Bombur wakes up, he remembers nothing of their journey. He tells them that he has been dreaming of a feast. Later, Bilbo and the dwarves see a group of elves dancing around a fire. Since the group is hungry and exhausted, it decides to approach the elves. However, they disappear when the dwarves approach them. This happens two more times, after which the dwarves are separated from each other.
Bilbo wakes up to find himself tied to a tree by a sticky spider web. A spider is coming toward him to kill him. However, Bilbo manages to kill the spider using his sword. Bilbo begins to feel brave after this instance and chose to name his sword “Sting.”
Bilbo wears his magical ring to become invisible, and goes looking for his friends. He finds them bound to trees, guarded by giant spiders. Bilbo scares the spiders away and uses his sword to free the dwarves. He finally reveals the secret of his ring to the dwarves, who start looking at him as their leader.
Suddenly, they realize that Thorin is missing. Thorin was captured by the Wood-elves, who have sent him to Elvenking. Elvenking orders that Thorin be kept in a dungeon.
In this chapter, the group face their first real danger without Gandalf. Here, too, Bilbo emerges as heroic and helpful. First, he helps the group to cross the river. Later, he frees the dwarves from the spiders. Toward the end of the chapter, the dwarves begin to respect Bilbo and begin to consider him their leader. His journey as a hero begins from this chapter.