
Screen Time Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

Decent Essays

Do any of these television shows come to mind when someone mentions educational shows? Dora the Explorer, Sid the Science Kid, Bill Nye the Science Guy, etc. Most likely the answer is yes. Toddlers always want to be front and center when the television is on. Especially if the show they're so interested happens to be on at that hour. People will always debate this topic. I don't agree that children should have restrictions on television. A child is blamed for sitting inside watching the screen when in reality no one takes in each parenting factor. The saying "quality not quantity" always comes to my mind when we talk about a educational show. There really isn't an escape from screen time. Children should never be blamed for laziness. Not only is this multiple debate topics in itself, but it ties into the screen time. In the passage, "It's Time to Let Go of Screen Fears" mentions that critics …show more content…

Have you ever heard this or personally been told this? My parents would tell me this all the time. It is used for more than one thing. Friends, education, reading, etc. The list goes on and on. Most critics rely on screen time not the screen quality. Outsiders don't really know what is the real deal. A problem always results when a person doesn't have 100% of details. Assumptions are always made. In the passage it says, "The truth is that what is viewed on a screen and how it is viewed is more important than the amount of viewing time". A toddler can run around all day blabbing some type of alien language. We don't know what they could be saying. If they have the chance to watch an educational show, they will develop vocabulary from that show. In the first passage, "Screen Time Limits Are Vital for Children" it mentions that 'play time' doesn't help the development. Personally this is a big debate. But putting it into perspective, it makes sense. A child will develop vocabulary or hands on skills if they have the chance to have play

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