
Screen Media And Young Children: Who Benefit?

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The effect that mass media has on children is not something to be taken lightly. Particularly in the western world, children are constantly bombarded with subliminal messages that in some cases are not in the best interest to their psychological,emotional, and social well being . However, children will be exposed to media no matter what, and the consequences do not always need to cause harm. Children can benefit substantially from mass media granted they have someone by their side, helping them incorporate what they learn on the screen, in to their real life. Most traditional theories suggest that a child should hardly ever be in front of a television, or any electronic device for that matter. Many argue that it wastes time that could …show more content…

This is another form of collaboration that is necessary for the child to benefit, instead of just idly watching the screen. Audrey Berger Cardany in the article “Screen Media and Young Children: Who Benefits?” touches on the importance of parents and teachers coming together with children to help them make sense of what it is they are viewing, and therefore the real world. Audrey states that “children would learn more if caregivers watched the program with their children and engaged them in talking about the topics presented on the program. Enticing adults to watch with children was one of the main reasons that characters were given clever lines.” (Berger,2010). Parents being an active part of viewing media along with their children is very frequently encouraged, there are many examples of this in Disney …show more content…

Yes, a common case with children is that they seem to repeat words but fail to use them in the proper context.However, this is usually the result because there is no parent present, mentally, to turn these mimicked words in to real actions. Things that are viewed on the screen are very hard for children to realize exists in our waking life. It is up to the parent to show the child what these actions mean, and why they are important and not simply something that only exists behind the screen. Children are incredibly underestimated when it comes to their capability to contextualize information viewed on

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