
Why We Should Not Put Restrictions On Children's Screen Time

Decent Essays

Parents of Middle School students should not put limits on their child's screen time. However, many parents do put limits and restrictions on their child’s screen time due to always having their faces in their screens. This causes more students not to get their usual amount of sleep.
One reason parents should not put limits and restrictions on their child's screen time is that having restrictions on screen time will just make the screens more appealing than they already are. Having restrictions or time limits on technology will just make the child want to stay up later than usual to sneak onto their screens. This is important because students will get less sleep than they would need to get through the school day. If kids didn’t have restrictions or time limits on their screens, they might be less tempted to be on their screens late at night. The children will be tired all day and want to fall asleep in their classes if they are up all night playing with their devices. Putting restrictions on our screen time makes our screens or technology more interesting and we want to be on them more. …show more content…

There is a balance of life where there is lots of technology and a balance where there is a time to put all technology down and have fun with your friends and family. This is important because if parents don't teach their child the balance of life with and without technology, they might think it’s okay to always be on their technology. Teaching your child or children the balance of life with and without technology will show them to do something other than being on their phones, computers, or tablets. Then, parents wouldn't have to put restrictions on their child’s screen time but they would also teach their child something

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