
Screen Time Limits Are Vital For Childeren

Satisfactory Essays

One of the most well known arguements of our time is not a hard concept to grasp. From limiting the time infront of a screen, to completely disregaurding any possibe flaws with screen viewing, both sides of this debate have their pros and cons. In Article One, 'Screen Time Limits Are Vital For Childeren', A fact that really caught my attention was the first sentence of paragraph two. The author says, "Children in the United States have an average of 7.5 hours of screen time per day.'' I was blown away with this statement, yet at the same time, not suprised. This one sentence really got me thinking simply because 7.5 hours is basically the same amount of hours you work at a full time job. There is no way that every minute of those 7.5 hours,

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