
Why Is Screen Time Limits Important For Children?

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As someone who is expecting in October, 2017 I believe that screen time limits are infact very vital for children. I believe that with all of the smart phones, xbox systems, that have many violent video games, are not appropriate for children at all. Between the tablets, personal computers, and access to social media at such young ages is very dangerous. This is not being taken as seriously as it should be and it's destroying the youth.

I have whitnessed first hand in my home that my 11 year old nephew does not leave his room from the time he gets home from school, only to eat, and then he goes right back on the xbox until he is forced to go to bed. I believe that since these children are so young they become obsessed. He started failing classes because of lying about doing his homework for school just to be on the xbox. I do not agree with "letting go of screen fears" due to the fact that I'm whitnessing a brilliant young boy failing his classes over an xbox. That is madness. I also strongly agree that this leads to depression. Children don't go outside and play anymore and the fact that they think it overlooks "important factors" such as child super vision, safety, and weather is absolutely rediculous. …show more content…

Studies report that television viewing by preschoolers lowers their executive functions such as the ability to complete a given task. If that isn't a red flag right there, then I don't know what is. Parent's need to take more of a role in their children's lives, stop spoiling them with brainwashing technology, get them into sports, take them out for a bonding day. Kids just want to be shown love and attention and when it's not being given to them they fall to their "comfort" which is

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