
Relationship Centered Model of Care in Dementia and the Six Senses Framework

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Postgraduate Programme Assessment Submission (Students should retain a copy of all assessments) Registration Number: 1921158 Module Code: HWOP02 Assessment Number: Spring 2014 HWOP02: A1 Assessment Title: Relationship Centered Model of Care in Dementia and the Six Senses Framework Number of Words: 4193 Work which is submitted for assessment must be your own work. All students should note that the University has a formal policy on plagiarism which can be found at Anticipating and enhancing the health and wellbeing of the older person with dementia in hg HWOP02 A1 Alzheimer’s Scotland (2014) estimate that there are 88,000 people in Scotland with …show more content…

For an individual with dementia person centred care is characterised by the need to value people with dementia, to treat them as individuals, to view the world from their perspective and to create a positive environment (Brooker 2004). Sheard (2004) review on health services found that often services consider the needs of people with dementia and their carers separately. Kitwood’s (1997) approach offers all health care professionals a way to care for an individual with dementia, however it does not take into consideration the importance of the interaction among people as the foundation of any therapeutic or healing activity in health care. Post (2001) supports this statement and suggests that living with dementia is not about quality of life but rather about quality of lives. Wadensten and Carlsson (2003) suggestion that the most common models of nursing dementia patients provide little more than guidance on how to work positively with older adults. Sheard (2004) therefore called for a development of an approach where an individual with dementia is seen within the context of important and significant relationships. Nolan et al. (2004) therefore argues that RCC is one of the most comprehensive ways of doing this in order to promote a more holistic vision of health care to include; social, economic, environmental and culture into care practice. RCC was developed by the Pew-Fetzer Task Force (1994) who examined how relationships formed between patient and

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