
Key Principles Of Person Centred Care

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John Oloyede Person-centred care is the “Mutually beneficial partnerships between patients, their families, and those delivering healthcare services which respect individual needs and values which demonstrate compassion, continuity, clear communication, and shared decision making” (The Scottish government 2010). This mutually beneficial partnership helps health services and health care workers, place the person at the centre of their own care. It is simply treating patients as they want to be treated. This essay will focus on four key principles of person-centred care (PCC) with reference to the adult field of practice, and how these principles can be implemented in the adult field of practice. It will also provide a brief conclusion discussing all the factors that has been discussed. Person-centred care was first introduced by a physiologist named Carl Rogers, in the 1960s. He believed every patient should be treated with respect and dignity. According to his approach he uses his core principles to identify individual needs. These principles have benefits for the patient, health care worker and health service. Some of the key principles of Person-centred care (PCC) is showing respect and dignity, cultural competency, knowing the patient, mutually beneficial partnerships, Information sharing, self-management, communication and interaction, continuity, and choice and empowerment. The first major principle of person-centred care (PCC) that will be discussed

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