This presentation is going to talk about person- centred care, confidentiality, respecting privacy and dignity and protecting from risks and harm. The common core principles are important to every Health and Social Care setting as they provide a basis for a general understanding of promoting good mental health and recognising signs of poor mental health among everyone receiving care and support. The aim of care home are to meet the identified needs of individuals who live in that home. An older person might need to live in that care home for years. It is important for staff to be aware of responsibilities in delivering care to support the individuals who live at that home. These common principles of health will help develop the workforce that respond confidently to the individuals and supporting the life they are leading.
Person centred care is an approach that puts individuals at the centre of their care. It involves them in making decisions about things that affect
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The Data Protection Act (1998) requires that personal details and information must be kept secure and confidential. Confidentiality is necessary in any Health and Care Social setting because it maintains between the individuals and the organisation. An environment of trust encourages people to be open and honest with those who care for them. They provide all the details necessary so that they receive the best care possible. The employers are accountable to the regulators for protecting confidentiality .Preserving privacy and confidentiality is essential so that they do not risk the discipline of being struck off a professional register. Each member of the staff has a responsibility to ensure that the care record are accurate recorded. A clear information will aid patients to participate fully in decision making about their
Person centred values influence all aspects of health and social care work, for the reason that by law requirements in regards to the Human Rights Act 1998, Health and Social Care Act 2012, along with Codes of Practice for Social Care Workers, health and social care should be based on person centred values. In the interest of individuals who are receiving care, it enables them to be treated with respect and dignity, involving their own needs beliefs and identities, as well as to be supported to remain independent as much as possible. Person centred values also involve individuals to be supported to access their rights, as well as
Person-centred is about providing care and support that is centred or focused on the individual and their needs. We are all individuals and just because two people might have the same medical condition, for example, dementia, it doesn’t mean that they require the same care or support because they are two different people which means their needs will be different. You need to develop a clear understanding about the individuals that you are working with and their needs, culture, means of communication, likes and dislikes, family and other professional’s
Person centred thinking is a set of values, skills and tools by the individuals in the personalisation of services who need support or health care. Person Centred Planning is for the Individuals with learning disabilities, Person Centred Planning also means that the person is at the centre, family and friends are full partners, Person Centred Planning concentrates on what is important now and in their future and specifies the support they require to live there life in the way they wish. The Person Centred Approach is there to help the individuals live as independently as possible to have the right to choose to control the services that they need and to have access to both wider public, community services and employment and education. They are all there to help
Person centred practice encourages the individuals active participation. It recognises the person’s right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible. The individual is regarded as an active partner in their own care or support rather than a passive recipient.
Person centred values means the people whom we support are treated as equals and are involved in all aspects and areas of their care and that they are respected and valued as individuals. This means being involved in their assessments, care delivery and support planning, basically person centred values is making sure all approaches, policies and procedures and care practices put the residents at the centre of the day-to-day activities. It should also include the residents and their families in the planning and maintaining of this.
Person centred values are treating people as individuals, supporting their choices, treating them with dignity and respect, working in partnership with people rather than trying to control them.
All of the staff need to make sure that confidentiality is paramount. Staff have to read and understand the Data Protection Act of 1998. We have to make sure that we are clear about our standards of conduct, that we are expected to meet. We are encouraged to use the codes of conduct to maintain our own practice
Therefore every care practitioner should endeavour to promote theses rights when dealing with services users and their relatives. Furthermore, it is crucial for service users to understand that any information they give will be with strict confidentiality. It is a legal requirement for health and social care services to keep personal data confidential.
Within the health and social care setting there are numerous peices of legislation and codes of practice designed to protect individuals.These are there to protect from breaches of confidentiality were the information held on that individual is only viewed by staff directly involved in their care.
The Data Protection Act states that you must only collect information that you need for a specific purpose and keep it secure, ensure that it is relevant and up to date to guarantee that no changes in medication or health status goes unnoticed or unaccounted
It is also just as important to keep a confidentiality because of data protection legislation which enforces the rights of the individual to have their personal information protected (, 1998). So legally, healthcare professionals have a duty to protect the healthcare user’s personal information, at least to the legal minimum, or face proceedings. On top of this though, there is a further responsibility placed on the healthcare professional to respect the right of the user to their private life and beliefs. This is outlined by the NMC’s Code (2012) which reiterates the Data Protection Act, 1998 and further clarifies the lengths that healthcare professionals should go to ensure the healthcare user’s confidentiality and privacy is protected.
This unit develops understanding of the values and principles that underpin the practice of all those who work in health and social care. The essay consider theories and policies that underpin health and social care practice and explore formal and informal mechanisms required to promote good practice by individuals in the workforce, including strategies that can influence the performance of others. The first part of this essay will consider how principles of support are implemented by using Overton house residential care home to evaluate and explain how principles of support are applied. Key concepts such as person-centred approach and dilemmas and conflicts arising from the
To begin with the person is the centre of the plan, to be consulted with and their views must always come first: It should include all aspects of their care, and every professional should work together to provide it. (Leathard 2000) Autonomy refers to an individuals’ ability to come to his or her own decisions and requires nurses to respect the choices patients make concerning their own lives (Hendrick 2000).However Gillon Argues that the principle respect for autonomy may need some restriction, otherwise we may be morally obliged to respect an autonomous course of action with unthinkable consequences.( Gillon 1986) Every human being has an intrinsic value, they all have a right to well being, to self-fulfilment and to as much control over their own lives as is consistent with others (British Association of Social Workers 2002).Professional Judgement and patient preference cannot be suspended if practice is to be safe and effective rather than routine(DOH 2005) Alex had to attend this session as it was within his Timetable, how could it have been effective?, he was unhappy and
The main principles of person centred model are the core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard. They are vital for building a safe therapeutic relationship, in which the client can explore fully.
This essay aims to describe briefly what is meant by patient-centred care. It will also focus and expand on two key aspects of patient dignity - making choices and confidentiality. Patient-centred care (PCC) is an extensively used model in the current healthcare system (Pelzang 2010:12). PCC is interpreted as looking at the whole person and considering their individual values and needs in relation to their healthcare. By implementing a PCC approach it ensures that the person is at the very centre of any plans that are made and has a dynamic role in the decision making process (Pelzang 2010:12).