
The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara Essay

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Toni Cade Bambara addresses how knowledge is the means by which one can escape out of poverty in her story The Lesson. In her story she identifies with race, economic inequality, and literary epiphany during the early 1970’s. In this story children of African American progeny come face to face with their own poverty and reality. This realism of society’s social standard was made known to them on a sunny afternoon field trip to a toy store on Fifth Avenue. Through the use of an African American protagonist Miss Moore and antagonist Sylvia who later becomes the sub protagonist and White society the antagonist “the lesson” was ironically taught. Sylvia belong to a lower economic class, which affects her views of herself within highlights the …show more content…

Also, the people who have influence on color people, that they are not qualify for higher education and good salary. As Martin Luther King Jr. said “Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in” ( ). Sylvia struggle in the communities makes her to be better person with the understand classism and the race. Also, makes her to fight for what she deserve. Also, to have high income and equal right she have to have higher education. Then she might will be able to change the view of classism and race in the communities. The economic issues in American society have major effect on young on young children basic needs. Young children do not understand the economic issues their families facing in today’s society. In the short story “The Lesson” the author addresses the reader regarding social and economic inequality in America. In America lower family are suffering the most because of their monthly income and cannot afford things their children’s wants. Therefore, lower family cannot afford the expensive materials for their children because they have to think about their daily life styles. Also these lower families had difficult times affording clothing, food, house rents and other essentials. According to the article, “Children are especially vulnerable economically

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