
Democracy In The Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara

Decent Essays

While the United States government is proclaimed to be a democracy, it consists many of the imperfections demonstrated in the story written by Toni Cade Bambara, “The Lesson”. The protagonist as well as her friends are enlightened as they explore a new environment, a toy store that contrasts greatly with the slums they ventured from. Although the difference between the wealthy children and the youth described in the story is missing, the injustice is displayed by their surroundings in addition to the interactions they have with each toy they find. Through these expensive gadgets, the children are shown how defective their democracy is, observing the many injustices inflicted on them and their families. In a rights based society, there should …show more content…

Consequently, through being raised in an unjust system, these children demonstrate the importance of living in a true democracy while they resort to habits that oppose a rights-based society. Due to their upbringings, they inflict the same injustices imposed on them. The protagonist is shown to interact with the world in a negative manner, believing that due to her situation, she is allowed to get away with stealing. For instance, when attempting to cheat the cab driver out of money, she “ decide[s] he do[es]n’t need it [as] bad as I do” (Bambara 83), reasoning that the money is more useful for her family than the cab drivers. This selfish judgement, like the inequality already imposed on her by society, reveals how distorted her understanding of democracy is. A nation cannot function as a democracy if not all understand the value of it; if given a taste of the true system, the children in this account would not think of ways to corrupt it. By giving all an equal standard of living, negative thoughts like such will dissipate. Likewise, when the group of children meet up with Miss Moore, “Sugar asks very serious like she’s getting the ground rules

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