
The Importance Of Sex Education

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Some people think that sex education should be in their schools to help prevent pregnancies. Mississippi had the third highest teen birth rate in the United States in 2012 (Teen pregnancy in Mississippi). To prevent teen pregnancy from happening some would say to have sex education classes in schools may help. It may not completely stop teen pregnancy, but not as many teens will get pregnant. Sex education helps teach about the abstinence as the best method for avoiding sexual transmitted disease’s and unintended pregnancy.Sex education helps gain the knowledge healthy decisions about sex. Protection can also another think sex education and teach individuals. Sex education helps people gain information, skills and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex and sexuality, but also helps teach about the abstinence as the best method for avoiding sexual transmitted disease and unintended pregnancy. (What is sex education?). Research has identified highly effective sex education and HIV prevention programs that affect multiple behaviors or achieve positive health impacts. Behavioral outcomes have included delaying initiation of sex as well as reducing the frequency of sex, the number of new partners, and the incidence of unprotected sex. The most successful programs aimed at the reducing teen pregnancy are those targeting younger adolescents who are not yet seually experienced. (Sex Education can help prevent teen pregnancy.).
“Tell students to wait until marriage,” he

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