
Argumentative Essay: The Purpose Of Sex Education

Decent Essays

Sex education has been a hot debate topic for decades with people coming down on all sides of the argument. Should schools have sex ed, which is a class or session that educates kids on sexually transmitted diseases, birth control and the risk of pregnancy? Should they instead focus on abstinence from sexual intercourse instead of education on making teenage intercourse safe? Which is right? Both? Neither? Well, according to many worldwide studies, sex ed isn’t as effective as many would hope. This is especially true in the case of traditional sex education and how it relates to teen pregnancy numbers.
The Purpose of Sex Education:
The education aspect of sex education is of course the main focus. A good sex program will tell students all the risks associated with intercourse as a teen. It also will go over the risks of developing a sexually transmitted disease and communicate the negative element teenage pregnancy can have on a life. Abstinence programs might take a moral approach and talk about how sex should be saved until marriage as a sacred act. Ideally, this education would result in fewer instances of sexually transmitted diseases and a decrease in the number of teen pregnancies within the group of kids who went through the sex ed program. Ideally, this would be the case, but it doesn’t seem to be reality.
Studies Reveal Teen Pregnancy Rates Decreased By Absence of Sex Ed, Not Their Implementation:
The UK’s “Catholic Herald” recently reported on the “The Effect of

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