
Sex Education Has Succeeded By William Finger: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

“Sex Education Has Succeeded” article by William Finger argues that sex education programs have been an achievement for youths on safe sex. Sex education has increased the knowledge on youth’s on taking better decisions about sex. He mentions that it helps youth make better decisions about sexual activities and for those who are not sexually active it delays intercourse. It reduces pregnancy rates and STD rates. This article is prescriptive issue because the author is stating that sex education is a success and we should continue providing this programs to the youth so they can be informed and have knowledge of sex education.
Essay 1: Analyze of Authors Argument Youths are not sexually active because of the sexual education programs as many …show more content…

In the United States there was a review on about 80 sex education programs found that “Programs that focus upon sexuality, including sex and HIV education programs, school-based clinics, and condom availability programs, do not increase any measures of sexual activity” (Finger). Sex education does not cause youths to be sexual active.
Sex education programs decreases the risk of young adults getting pregnant and the reduce of STDS. The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS examined sex education programs. Out of 53 interventions, 22 “delayed the onset of sexual activity, reduce the number of sexual partners or reduce unplanned pregnancy and STD rates,” the UNAIDS analysis concluded (Fingers). Sex education teaches the use of contraceptives that have reduce teen pregnancies and STDS. Sex education programs give effective messages such as “Always avoid unprotected sex, abstinence is the best way- if you have sex, always use condom” (Finger). Sex education programs make age appropriate messages. This messages lead to reducing sexual behavior and avoiding unintended pregnancies and

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