
Comprehensive Sex Education Research Paper

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Adolescence can be a very confusing and difficult time for many teens because they are pushed out of childhood and into adulthood. The push for the use of comprehensive sex education programs is causing the rates of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to increase. By providing teens with a comprehensive sex education program that can not only confuse them about their sexuality, but also lead them to engage in sex before they are mentally ready, is extremely harmful. Because abstinence is the only sure way to prevent the spread of STDs and stop unwanted pregnancies among adolescents, it should be the only curriculum taught to them. Abstinence only programs not only teach teens how engaging in sex is wrong until marriage, …show more content…

Teen pregnancies can change their lives for the worse because teen parents are “less likely to complete high school, less likely to attend college, more likely to have large families, and more likely to be a single parent” (Kirby 144). When a teen becomes pregnant, it not only changes their life, but also the life of their unborn baby. Babies who are born with adolescents as parents have a higher probability to “have less supportive and stimulating home environments, lower cognitive development, worse educational outcomes, higher rates of behavior problems, higher rates of incarceration, and higher rate of adolescent childbearing themselves” (Kirby 144). Majority of adolescent are still growing and developing themselves, therefore it is more of a challenge to provide a baby with the not only an environment that sets them up for success, but also having the finical resource to support a child. This leaves tax payer to pick up the billion, costing them 9 billion dollars annually (Kirby). Having a baby as a teenage leaves themselves and their child susceptible to many harmful effects that can be prevented if they chose to abstain from sex and wait to have a child when there are finical and physically

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