
Sex Education Should Be Taught In Schools

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Sex Education Should Be Taught in Schools.
While teen pregnancy has been steadily decreasing, a growing number of teens infected with std's has been increasing. Sex education in schools has helped the pregnancy issue but needs to continue to further decrease teen pregnancies and to eradicate teen std's. In addition, educators need to start the sex education classes at an earlier age. Schools that teach comprehensive sex ed have a higher sexual literacy rate, lower std rates and lower teen pregnancy rate when compared to schools that teach abstinence only or have no sex ed curriculum.
A lack of understanding about sex can destroy lives. Sexually-transmitted diseases are no longer just an inconvenience, but can kill people or render them unable …show more content…

As the Authors Stokely, Anne, McMahon, Maureen, Points of View: Sex Education in Schools, 3/1/2016 "Reducing the rate of teen pregnancy and STDs requires a multifaceted approach because teen pregnancy is a complex issue with varied effects. Research has shown that effective sex education programs focus on teaching behaviors and communication skills as well as offering instruction about contraception use..."(Par 8.) It doesn't motivate anyone to have sex, instead it educates people and informs them on what the effects are such as STD's and AIDs. Many high school teens who do not grow up in a religious household are still likely to have sex before marriage, and taking this class may or may not change their minds.
According to Lee, M., Flynn, Simone Isadora, Points of View: Sex Education in Schools, 3/1/2016 "Since teen pregnancies is a major social and political issue nationwide, much of the discussion about sex education has to do with its effectiveness in reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies among young women" (Par 4) If schools are supposed to prepare students for life, it doesn't make sense to treat sex education like it don't matter. Many parents are reluctant to take the initiative and teach their children about sex, so most of the time they are educated be the T.V and other teens around

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