
Tethering Learning Patterns

Decent Essays

Learning scenario – Cassie
Cassie had a hard time mulling over the instructions of the assignment. She would have benefited from intentionally decoding the inspection. By figuring out exactly what the instructions are asking for and figuring out which learning patterns and is asking her to you. She should have tethered her Precision learning which she uses at a used first level. She knew the information but was not intentionally learning the information. Also by intensifying her sequence learning she should have taken notes on everything about critical learning that she knew and how to affectively apply it. Cassie needs to for her technical reasoning learning pattern given her recent feedback of using too many words and her last assignment. By forging her technical reasoning learning pattern she would be …show more content…

I feel it was by far some of the lousiest work I have ever submitted thus far. I did not start the assignment within tensional he using the metacognition strategy. I was slightly confused as to what the assignment was asking. I was also overwhelmed by how many details the assignment was asking for. By tethering my sequence, Precision, and technical reasoning learning patterns the assignment would have been more would’ve had more clarity. By following metacognition the produce discussion post would have better follow the assignment guidelinEs. For future assignments I plan to follow the six phases of metacognition. And using that strategy as an intentional or not I plan to use a personal strategy cord for each assignment. By using the strategies I hope to continue my learning path with more confidence and eagerness. I hope to enter each learning situation with the desire to learn and the readiness to retain the information. I plan to start each day by remembering, “ Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing it takes in.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

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