
Start Running Research Paper

Decent Essays

How to start running. If you are anything like me then you should try to start running. This has changed my life dramatically for the good. I am a 20 year old male that is not athletic. I am your typical 9-5 business man. I Had a job that was at a desk and I just had to edit videos. That sound a lot like an average american. I am not that average than you think I always had this burst of excitement that would give me the energy to do some jogging or some strength training like push ups or sit ups. Let me tell you that i wasn’t healthy so i got winded out by doing 10 push ups or 4-5 sit ups, or maybe even a jog to the nearest grocery store that was about a 10 min jog away. “I had to change” I said to myself. So the next morning I got up and

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