
Train Research Paper

Decent Essays

Trains, Trains, and Automobiles. This seems to be the world that we live in. We all have places to go and people to see and have to have some kind of transportation to get us there. As more and more people choose to use public transportation instead of driving an automobile the more and more trains are being put in. They are almost everywhere and the tracks that they run on seem to be right where people live. It is important that we learn the safety of trains and their tracks and teach them to the little kids so that everyone can be safe around them. Whenever you are around a train or track you need to make sure that you are paying one hundred percent on the train, tracks and whats going on. You should never be on your phone, texting or having your headphones in listening to your music. If everyone would do this people would be safe around the train and tracks. Once you get on the train then you can use your phone, text people and relax and listen to your music. …show more content…

There is a reason that the signs are there. They are not just for looks. They are there to keep you safe if you abide them. When you come to the signs and they are down stop and wait for the train to go by, never go around them and never try to out run a train. At night it is hard to see the train coming you need to remember that the crossing are your guide to a train approaching you so never assume that just because you can't see it doesn't mean that it's not coming. If you suspect that the flashing lights are not working properly, you may drive through the railroad crossing ONLY if you have a clear line of sight of at least one mile down the tracks in both directions, there is not evidence of an approaching train, and you can cross the tracks safely then you are okay to cross. But that usually never happens so treat the signs as they are directing

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