
Killer Angels Sparknotes

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Killer Angels

The pain, joy, bloodshed, death, and sorrow of the Civil War are all contained in the book called, "The Killer Angels." This book will show you the thoughts, feelings and actions of many of the leaders of both armies. By reading this book you will get an in depth view of the bloodiest days of the Civil War. Even if you know absolutely nothing about this war, you can still read and understand everything that is portrayed. This story not only gives you the view of many of the major leaders, but it also gives you the maps an strategies used in this war. It also shows you the conflicts in making these strategies. This book has inspired many, but the true question is will it inspire you? Reading this book will cause …show more content…

Those details keep the reader in the game, so to speak. Another one of the author's man ideas is using the leaders in separate points of view. In every chapter there was a different leader and his point of view. This showed how everyone felt about each battle or occurrence. The author did not attempt to sway the reader to one army or the other. He let the reader choose whose side he or she was on. Michael Shaara does not ever describe army or the other as the "bad guys" or the "good guys." The strategies and tactics used during this war were described in detail. The more important thing described, however, is not the actual strategy, but who made these strategies and what the other leaders thought of them. When General Lee decided to attack the enemy head on instead of going around them, not everyone agreed with the plan. Longstreet, for one, thought that they should have gone around the enemy and hit them from the back. These conflicts were great to see because it showed that everything was not going in perfect unison. It showed that these strategies we not always etched in stone. These plans had the potential to be changed many times. No successful strategy has gone uncontested and unchanged. All of the things that were said and done in the book are all at least somewhat true. Although, many of the

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