
Killer Angels Questions And Answers

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Kathryn Austin US Dual 12/8/16 Killer Angels Questions 6. According to the novel, what role does the issue of slavery play as to the purpose of the war in general and this battle in specific? In the novel, the main reason why fighting is occurring is not because of slavery, but rather to preserve the Union or allow state power to be superior over Federal law. Also, most of the men fighting in the Confederate army were not wealthy enough for slaves. General Lee even freed his slaves in the beginning of the war, he saw that the war was not about slavery but about the importance of state power. The only General who had strong feelings about slavery was Chamberlain. The Union General, Chamberlain, fought solely so that African-Americans and whites would be treated equal. He believed that all should be able to enjoy the same freedoms as him. 8. Was Freemantle (the Englishman) an effective character? …show more content…

This is shown when he is around a battle scene and doesn’t fully understand what is going on. Since he is not part of the war, he doesn’t really have to worry about anything since there is so much chaos going on around him. Also in the Confederates eyes, the British could be an ally to the South but, Longstreet and Lee know that the British will never side with the Confederates because of their involvement in the act of slavery. Also, Freemantle has an ironic view on the Southerners and their behavior. Freemantle views the Southerners as gentleman but in reality they kill brethren from the northern side of the country every day in hopes to split from the country. Also, this is ironic because the British are fond of the country splitting because they split from

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