
Essay On The Killer Angels

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The Wounded Angels Since the beginning of time we Americans have always fought for what we stand by. The Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War is just one example; the Union was fighting to end slavery and the Confederacy was fighting to keep it. In order to fight you need people, us Americans had the choice of joining/volunteering or if not enough civilians joined there would be a draft. There will always be a price to pay when going into battle as is shown in The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, which gives you an insight to the point of views of both sides and the struggles in the military. Robert E. Lee, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, and John Buford are just a very small portion of the military personnel who suffered the price/hardships. Commanding General Robert E. Lee Robert E. Lee was the leader of the Confederate Army. Lee was the most beloved man in either army (The …show more content…

They ended up being killed or severely wounded. Robert E. Lee, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, and John Buford are just a very small portion of the military personnel who suffered the price/hardships. We will forever honor the path they took and their devotion to our country. Works Cited Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels: the Classic Novel of the Civil War. Ballantine Books Trade Paperbacks, 2011. Civil War Medicine “The Killer Angels - Шаара Майкл - Читать.”, Hand, Abbey. “Chapter 7-Buford.”, 12 May 2015, “Chamberlain.” APEL - All Parents Engaged in Learning, “The Killer Angels Characters.” Quizlet,

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