
Civil War Propaganda

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For as long as man has walked upright on this earth war and death has been a normal part of life, from the Romans watching gladiators fight to their death, all the way to the Salem witch trials it seems to be human nature to have a fascination with such disasters. The Civil war was no different, for diplomacy and propaganda would be equally as vital as the bombs and bullets in determining which side arose victorious. The outcome that ensued was Civil War propaganda on a colossal scale. Propaganda is one of the most widely exploited and effective political tactics still used to this day. These articles and illustrations purpose is to alter the audiences opinion about a certain topic, while most were meant to be used as entertainment a fraction of what was produced was used either for the Confederates or the Unions own agenda.
In 1830 America was producing half the world’s cotton supply, in just twenty years that number went up to nearly ¾ths of the world’s demand! The southern states economy was booming but at what cost? In the …show more content…

The questions began to rise; was this war just a minor internal quarrel regarding taxes and land? Or was there a bigger issue at play behind all the political arguing and name calling, an issue that truly was relative to humanity as a whole regardless of one’s race? The week following Lincoln assuming the position of president he sent his Secretary of State, William Seward, to deliver a message to the rest of the surrounding country’s containing a firm and direct warning: “Any gesture of support to the South that could potentially weaken the Union’s position would be considered an act of war.” During the early periods of war Lincoln made it a point to avoid voicing his opinion on the topic regarding slavery and instead focus his campaign around the ideas of the constitution, universal law, and the benefit the union would have on the

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