
Informative Essay: Graffiti In Schools

Satisfactory Essays

On 6/10/16 at 9:22 PM, Security Officer (S/O) Ruth Gonzalez notified Shift Supervisor (S/S) Enmanuel Cabrera that Integrity Associate Stephanie Curley told her that she found graffiti in the b building women’s bathroom. Upon the associate notifying S/O Gonzalez, she quickly made her way to the bathroom and saw the word “Bomb”, the graffiti was found in the 5th stall. At this time, S/O Gonzalez took pictures and blocked off the bathroom until facilities could remove the graffiti. The last time the B Building women’s bathroom was checked was at 8:25 PM by S/O Adriana Bensome. After at 9:25 PM, S/S Cabrera notified safety specialist Karen Echavarria about the incident. Then at 9:32 PM, Loss Prevention Specialist Corey Green was notified, who

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