
How I Can Create My Own Motivational Theory

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While brainstorming on how I can create my own motivational theory, I stopped and thought of the reason I am writing this paper. What motivation do I have in order to complete this paper and turn it in? Is it because I would like to graduate next Spring? Is it because I need a good grade so that I can pass the class? Is it because it is the right thing to do? Is it because I would like to really create and understand my own motivational theory and apply it to my everyday work life? Honestly, all of the questions above contribute to my personal motivation for this assignment. Everyday people do things, such as go to school, study, go to work, take care of their kids, etc. Why everybody does these things vary from person to person. I know that a big part of my satisfaction at work derived from how motivated I am to complete the work and what part my organization aids in that motivation.
Theories can never be proven, only supported or rejected. Although there are many theories of motivation, there are only a few that I feel can be relevant and valuable in the work setting. Before settling on a theory to use to assist with the creation of my specific theory of motivation, I wanted to get a better understanding of some of the most well-known motivational theories. Throughout my research I’ve noticed a common trend in the motivational theories and how they are applied. Many theories such as McClelland’s Needs Theory (1961), Maslows’ Hierarchy of Needs Theory (1954), and

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