
Understand The Factors That Affect Performance And Motivation In The Workplace

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Understand the factors that may affect performance and motivation in the work place. Working within Skills and Learning as part of Babcock international group I have chosen the following theories of motivation as it is felt that they represent how we as a business support not only our staff but our customers through the learning cycle. The Motivational theories that I will be using are Maslow Hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s Motivational and Hygiene Theory. With Maslow’s hierarchy of needs I felt this was an underpinning motivational theory within Babcock skills and learning as it relates to how we as humans operate and what we need implemented or have available to ensure that we remain motivated through our working life. Abraham Maslow used a pyramid to represent his needs theory as demonstrated below. …show more content…

To demonstrate how the theory is relevant to Babcock it is important to work through each

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