
Critical Thinking In Anthem

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Knowing Self Essay Itzel Evangelista Period-2 3.16.18 Do you try even though you could fail or not try at all? In Anthem by Ayn Rand and in Prometheus it shows how it’s better to try even though you can fail. Both in the video of Leo about Critical Thinking and in the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln demonstrate what could happen when one does try and doesn’t try, gives two different types of results. The socratic seminar has all kinds of various types of thoughts and each is either related to a try or not try. Even though you could fail trying is better than not giving it a chance, because you would know your end result,could have more opportunities and it allows one to learn more and get out of their comfort zone. First,Equality in Anthem started by not …show more content…

Leo mentioned in his video that critical thinking is independent thinking and it helps with solving the problems/obstacles in life that are holding us back. The critical thinking video of Leo supports why people should try things so they can learn to overcome their obstacles or problems in life. In the video it also gives more reason to try things instead of not trying; it helps with learning to be independent when trying things that we could fail at. I can personally relate to Leo’s video, because I’m afraid at times of trying new things that require independence since I mostly try not to be socially active with people. But still there are times when I have to overcome my fear of talking to people and just do it, give things a try even though there's a possibility of failure; it’s better than not trying things and not knowing what the results could’ve been. This demonstrates how trying things is better than not trying; if you do you get some independence and learn the ways of critical

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