
Critical Thinking Research Paper

Decent Essays

What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is the questioning of ideas. It is the process in which you take an argument and analyze it in order to conclude whether that argument is valid. Thinking critically is a good skill that can help others make intelligent decisions and helps them understand what to believe or not believe. Critical thinking is involved in our daily life. For example, every day we make decisions and before every decision we think critically if that is the right decision. We take into consideration the possible consequences of such decision and from that we reach a conclusion. Critical thinking involves disciplined thinking and it teaches you to think for yourself. It is personal growth and confidence that results from learning to exercise your mind to its fullest potential. …show more content…

Critical thinking is based on several standards; such as, clarity, precision, accuracy, relevance, consistency, logical correctness, completeness, and fairness. In critical thinking clarity is the idea that “before we can effectively evaluate a person’s argument or claim, we need to understand clearly what he or she is saying” (Bassham, 2). However, it sometimes can be difficult to decipher what people are saying because they don’t express themselves clearly. A critical thinker will always seek clarity and will pay full attention to language in order to avoid miscommunications. Critical thinking also involves precision. Precision is the fact of being exact and accurate. Critical thinkers in some professions value precision a lot. For example, doctors, engineers, and mathematicians understand the importance of being accurate and precise in their work place. Accuracy is a crucial factor in critical thinking because often people believe stuff that is false. If humans receive false information

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