
Analyzing Multiple Perspectives

Decent Essays

From an early age I have been passionate about reading. Like seriously, when I was five years old I was upset that I didn’t get the newest Little Mermaid book for Christmas. However, I have never had an interest in writing. Unfortunately, as I plan to go to graduate school to obtain my Ph.D, I really cannot avoid it. Over the years, my lack of enthusiasm about writing has caused me to view most English classes as a chore, something I needed to do in order to advance to what I really wanted to do with my life. With the risk of sounding like a suck-up, this is one of the first English classes I have valued because I have felt like I improved some aspect of my writing in each essay.

One of the biggest take-aways I have had is how to write a proper conclusion. This can best be seen in the changes …show more content…

“Here is my thesis again. The reasons are xyz. Here’s some quote or fun fact to leave the reader thinking.” Ms. Crace gave me advice about how to write conclusions that I know I will use in …show more content…

My first semester I had to write a literature review which was a similar process to this paper. Unfortunately, I really had no idea how to write one and spent a ton of unnecessary time finding articles and then trying to remember what they were on. This was my first time doing an annotated bibliography and it helped me tremendously. Through the annotated bibliography, I learned how to properly organize my research. I think this is evident in how strong my introduction is. Although my annotated bibliographies will probably not be as detailed if I am not turning them in for a grade, I will most likely utilize them in other classes to provide a direction for my research and save time in the long

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