Scientology is a religion that has developed during the twenty-first century. It is a religion that is in the public spotlight because of the number of celebrities who have decided to become followers of Scientology. It first became known to the public as a means of spiritual and mental healing. Many religions view man as a spiritual being, but Scientology takes this belief farther by teaching that man has abilities that are farther reaching than just accomplishing goals and being happy. They
watching the documentary,"Going Clear", on the idea behind Scientology and what it actually does to its members, was absolutely mortifying. Mortifying in a sense that the whole premise behind this "Religion" was to make money and essentially avoid paying taxes, all created by L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard, the founder of the Scientology Church, believed in science fiction and fabricated tales into his theological teachings. The basic idea behind Scientology was to become "clear", and to become "clear",you need
Recently Leah Remini came out with some pretty wild claims about Scientology and Tom Cruise. It turns out Cruise is not very happy about what Remini had to say in her recent interview and book. US Magazine shared that a source close to Tom Cruise is now speaking out about it and Cruise is not happy. Leah left Scientology and since then she has been revealing a lot about the organization and the people who are part of it. In her book, Leah talks about a time where Tom Cruise was trying to bake cookies
In the early 2000s, the hacker subculture were rising in popularity in the mass media bringing with it more members and like with most hobbies these members naturally come to be drawn together in to small groups. These groups, in this case were hacktivist groups and one of the biggest, important and well known one was the group called Anonymous. Starting from pretty childish beginnings this groups has come to be the face of the hacker subculture and for the groups many activist movements. Though
The word Scientology is taking from the Latin scio. which means “knowing, in the fullest sense of the word,” and the greek word logos meaning “study of.” All together Scientology truly means knowing how to know. Upon my research i realize that Scientology can be confusing for some, and for that reason it is misunderstood and criticized. Scientology shares a few beliefs with many religions, such as the dual nature of humankind and the achievement of spiritual awareness and freedom though the practice
Anonymous is an international organization complied of like-minded individuals sharing an extensive knowledge of computation and systematic software (German, 2012). In short, they are hacking activists; people wanting social change who protest by revealing hidden truths. It is known to operate on ideas rather than directions meaning that the individuals involved do not wait for instruction or approval of a task. They do however, have a loosely agreed upon goal- for there is order. There is no granted
passed entering Scientology’s Castlereagh Street headquarters. The interior feels like the what you’d get if you blended a holistic healing centre with Starship Enterprise. Erupting volcanoes, light pierced landscapes, and the Egyptian-looking Scientology symbols, provide the imagery for the science meets self-help vibe. Zipping towards me, a uniformed female attendant. “The personality test? This way!” Now, I’m looking down at Scientology’s Oxford Capacity Analysis personality test: a battery
Hollywood actress Leah Remini has urged people to leave the Church of Scientology and stop sacrificing their families and their lives for the “damaging” organization. On Tuesday morning, Remini appeared on “Sunrise” in an interview with Samantha Armytage and David Koch about the Church of Scientology. Although she was raised as a Scientologist, she is now calling on the members to walk away from the organization, like she did in 2013, The Daily Mail reports. “For those who are in the dark, I want
Big Answer! However upon closer inspection that is what is AA. With its charismatic leader Bill Wilson, albeit a dead one, the founder. It makes no difference to the cult if the leader is deceased, Scientology has its leader L. Ron Hubbard, as well as other factions. In the AA guide to meetings, many church basements have AA midnight candlelight meetings where the participants listen in silent reverence to the taped recordings of Bill Wilson”s ramblings about what
FACTS: Mr. Hubbard’s first misbehavior report given on 2/13/15 for 106.10 Direct Order, 107.11 Harassment, 101.10 Sex Offense, 101.22 Stalking and 180.11 Facility Correspondence by O.R.C. Allen resulted in a hearing set for 2/24/15. According to the record C.O. Wentzel brought the paperwork for Mr. Hubbard to choose an employee assistant on 2/14 and 2/26. C.O. Wentzel reported on these forms that Mr. Hubbard refused to sign them both. Then on the day of the hearing (2/24/15) C.O. Sewsey testified