
Anonymous: A Brief History Of The Hacker Subculture

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In the early 2000s, the hacker subculture were rising in popularity in the mass media bringing with it more members and like with most hobbies these members naturally come to be drawn together in to small groups. These groups, in this case were hacktivist groups and one of the biggest, important and well known one was the group called Anonymous. Starting from pretty childish beginnings this groups has come to be the face of the hacker subculture and for the groups many activist movements. Though a simple philosophy of not being content with idea of censorship on the internet and have taken common hacking techniques like denial of service attacks to combat this dictatorship like acts of control on the internet. The introduction of a group like Anonymous to the world has influenced many other hackers to stand together for a singular goal then one person alone.
The beginning of this popular and very often in eyes of mass media controversial groups, …show more content…

Some of them are often considered nefarious in quite the identical way with the way media treats Anonymous are called LulzSec and AnitSec. This similar naming convention shows a oblivious connection but the linage is no coincidence as the many were once members of Anonymous or were at the very least contributed to many operations. This expansion into hackers no being the stereotypical loner but now having a network of dozens of groups that trade information and better help with any operation one group is on has not only completely changed the subculture of hackers but the way the world interacts with them. While sole hackers were not directly inspired by this very advantageous formation of hackers the amount of hackers that are seen and heard in news, of the likes lizard squad absolutely

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