In the early 2000s, the hacker subculture were rising in popularity in the mass media bringing with it more members and like with most hobbies these members naturally come to be drawn together in to small groups. These groups, in this case were hacktivist groups and one of the biggest, important and well known one was the group called Anonymous. Starting from pretty childish beginnings this groups has come to be the face of the hacker subculture and for the groups many activist movements. Though a simple philosophy of not being content with idea of censorship on the internet and have taken common hacking techniques like denial of service attacks to combat this dictatorship like acts of control on the internet. The introduction of a group like Anonymous to the world has influenced many other hackers to stand together for a singular goal then one person alone.
The beginning of this popular and very often in eyes of mass media controversial groups,
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Some of them are often considered nefarious in quite the identical way with the way media treats Anonymous are called LulzSec and AnitSec. This similar naming convention shows a oblivious connection but the linage is no coincidence as the many were once members of Anonymous or were at the very least contributed to many operations. This expansion into hackers no being the stereotypical loner but now having a network of dozens of groups that trade information and better help with any operation one group is on has not only completely changed the subculture of hackers but the way the world interacts with them. While sole hackers were not directly inspired by this very advantageous formation of hackers the amount of hackers that are seen and heard in news, of the likes lizard squad absolutely
Cyber threats have increased dramatically over the past few years, with large companies such as Amazon, Netflex, PayPal, Wikipedia and most recently Equifax, experiencing high profile breaches. Traditional tools, defenses and responses have been strained with keeping up with the level and sophistication of an very organized and ubiquitous hacking community, which has coalesced into organized crime syndicates that the FBI and law enforcement continues to battle.
“The Masked Avengers” By David Kushner is about a group of people who are anonymous and hack into things like data web bases, this is pretty much all they have in common. Hackers are not a group who do things the same and together primarily because there are so many different types of people who are interested in different things although Wikipedia more commonly sees hacking as “skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem”. For example a hacker can do their job not as the stereotypical way of bad but in helping out the common good in people, such as tracking down child predators and turning them into the police. Even though this may be seen as illegal hacking that violates the privacy of others, when its
Kenneth first premise is that hacktivism with political motivation is digital civil disobedience. She argues that the characteristics of hacktivists and the motivation of the act decided
The group I belong to is called by many different names, depending on who you talk to and who they know. Most commonly it is referred to as the happy hackers, but in some cases, it may be called Jene’s group, Sundby’s group, or the Teacher’s Mafia. This group is started as a group of teachers, car salesmen, resort owners, builders, and city workers, all who are retired, who meet up every Friday and Saturday morning, 8A.M. and 7A.M respectively, at Detroit Lakes Country Club for a round of golf.
Paving The Way By: Anonymous From a far off world they traveled, Our past kin, come to find a treasured land, A vision of gold and opportunity, Wealth flooding the streets Our past kin, come to find a treasured land, The harsh voyage brings them to a new life, One not filled with purity, but with hardship,
The goal is to inform the public of the facts about hackers and the influences from pop culture and mainstream media that have changed society’s perception of hackers over time. I will also discuss statistical data about society’s fear of hackers and how it has changed the perception of hackers. If I can convince the readers that hackers are responsible for many of the technological innovations over the last 50 years, it will help me argue my point and hopefully persuade people to reconsider their opinions of hackers. The ultimate goal is to persuade people to redefine their definition of hackers and hope that society will use the correct classifications when reporting about them or describing their character in pop culture, but I would be satisfied if I could just create a platform for the next step on the road to change. One thing that absolutely amazed me was the amount of new information that is created and distributed every year. I learned that it is important to make sure that the message is strong and loud so it will not be lost amongst all the other information. An argument must be clear and maintain focus so that the audience will not become disinterested or
An article published by titled Inside America’s Hacking Epidemic states that cyberattacks initiated by hackers is a growing threat that could lead to a number of serious problems. Some of these problems include the shutting down of the electrical grid and water supply. The author writes, “These cybercriminals can potentially target every aspect of our lives that involves an internet connection. They could suddenly apply the brakes on smart cars or take over a passenger jet’s avionics system.” In this passage, the author is trying to convey that there are many things that hackers can do to cause chaos. Some countries, such as Russia and China, sponsor hacking groups. Hacking groups such as Cozy Bear and Guccifer 2.0 are some examples of hacking groups sponsored by Russia. In conclusion, the author believes that cyberattacks are becoming more threatening and can be catastrophic to all aspects of society.
The film Killswitch was about the government trying to monopolize and control user traffic on the internet. Whether it is for security purposes or financial gain, our system of democracy is being compromised at a technological level. Several speakers including Tim Wu, expressed how “hacktivism” was a revolutionary tool used to take a stand against government interference.
December 2006 - Users of 4chan/b/ DDoS the website of conservative shock jock and white nationalist Hal Turner and publish his, his parents' home phone numbers, send pizzas and escorts from Craigslist to his house (Luminant Films, 2012).
Society is addicted to technology? Some people may think that and their is a lot of support to backup that technology is addicting, but should we embrace the digital age and all of its advancements. I think society is addicted to technology, and we are not using it the right way, we are using it for more bad than good.
They’re calling for hackers everywhere to unite for a common purpose, to bring down Lex Lu-- Donald Trump. Appalled by his divisive ideas and witnessing the looming threat to civil liberty. Anonymous are seeking to rip the legs from under his high horse by revealing to the world who Donald really is, a self absorbed child who's only looking to benefit
The hacktivist group has claimed responsibility for several cyberattacks carried out against governments, companies, and religious groups in the last 12 years, the report details.
In todays time just one hacker can infiltrate governments and companies and release mass amounts of private information and details. The secret hacking group, Anonymous is a group of unknown hackers that have recently been hunted down by governments around the world (mainly the US and British). They should not be looked at as “domestic terrorists” but as protesting citizens. Terrorists put fear into people, but Anonymous interests the public. They have even been called “Digital Robin Hoods” (Carter, 2012). Since Anonymous mostly goes after companies and organizations they believe are corrupt or bad, and since they don't do any physical harm to anyone they should not be persecuted and put in jail. They release private information about the websites of companies, religious groups, and governments to show the public who they really are and what they are really doing. They also use a tactic called DDos which is basically where Anonymous overruns a website so much nobody else can then on go on that website.The U.S. government goes after anonymous hacktivists and similar groups but turns a blind eye to pro US/anti Terrorist hackers. A con of what Anonymous does is that when they release private government documents via Wikileaks or different sources, other governments like China and Russia can access the information released which can possibly be threatening to the U.S.
Computers are one of the world’s greatest inventions, and sadly, one of the worst. Thanks to computers, there are so many things we can do from the comfort of our own home. We can do our banking online, pay our bills, go to school, look for jobs, and so on. Computers have made us all lazy. They have also made us unconcerned, at least up until recently, with our privacy. We all know there are bad people in this world, but it seems to be that we have forgotten that there are some very, very smart people in this world as well. It took a very smart person to invent the computer, to figure out the inner workings. But if one person can do this many can do this. Enter the computer hacker.
A perfect example is the hacker group "Anonymous" because even though they are breaking the laws yet they are doing a greater good. Most people tend to support there actions. All of these hackers are doing something bad, but it depends on the hacker and how they are using there hacking skills for.