After I finished watching the documentary,"Going Clear", on the idea behind Scientology and what it actually does to its members, was absolutely mortifying. Mortifying in a sense that the whole premise behind this "Religion" was to make money and essentially avoid paying taxes, all created by L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard, the founder of the Scientology Church, believed in science fiction and fabricated tales into his theological teachings. The basic idea behind Scientology was to become "clear", and to become "clear",you need to erase your reactive and unconscious mind until you are totally capable. But, after listening to the stories of those that wanted to get up the ladder to become clear, they became more and more paranoid in their everyday
Principles and Beliefs “The beliefs and practices I’ve studied in Scientology have been invaluable to me” -John Travolta, Member of the Church of Scientology The most important features of Scientology lie in their foundations. In its creation it was vital for the principles of Scientology to not only be original- but also be plausible enough for someone to believe wholeheartedly. This was accomplished with flying colors. With this, it is also important to be familiar with these ideologies in order
documentary ‘Going Clear’ is focused on the Church of Scientology. Some of the important figures in the documentary included Paul Haggis, Lawrence Wright, Sara Goldberg, Spanky Taylor, and Marthy Rathbun (Going Clear). In this documentary, these former scientologists were interviewed about their personal experiences, where they revealed information about what actually happened behind the doors of the Church. The documentary was based on Lawrence Wright’s book, ‘Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood and
more of a cult rather than a religion. They were scared of the ideas that Hubbard was putting into their citizens' minds. Some were even trying to ban Scientology. The easiest way for Hubbard to escape that was to just leave land. For years he sailed around on a boat from country to country, trying to spread the word of Scientology. As time progressed the Sea Org got too large for just the one boat and the Sea Org upgraded to a fleet of ships. Sailing around the world with a fleet soon got very impractical
manipulative in their actions. Gloriavale is a religious community in New Zealand that claims to stand for God and proclaim to be goodness and light. However they in reality, the leaders of the group use their religion to oppress a community of people. These ideas lead me to explore cults. I have always had the perception of cults as being shady, underground groups of people chanting manically and performing
scene and picture yourself as a word scientist, closely examining a text to prepare for an essay. Congratulations! You’re now ready for today’s lesson! Today's lesson objective is: Students will analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text. In order to take on this
mind. The derivation of the word from Latin gives it this clear and obvious meaning: The study of the soul or mind. This meaning has been altered over the years until today, this is not what the word means at all. The subject of psychology, as studied in colleges and universities, currently has very little to do with the mind, and absolutely nothing to do with the soul or spirit. It is important to understand that words and ideas are supposed to refer to something. "The large tree in the
others have been persecuted. In the United States, people of the Jewish and Catholic faiths have been historically been discriminated against. In recent times, many people at one point were opposed to giving the status of a religion to Mormonism and Scientology. There could a logical claim in saying that a particular religion was started to siphon off money for the benefit of its founders. Yet, principles of justice demand that we should not undermine beliefs of a certain
Case study: Anonymous While the motivation of terrorist acts remains the same, the rapid evolution of technique has provided to those that use terror as a method to attain their goals, new weapons with a potential that is not fully quantified. The database, the measures of protection and security, the equipments meant to reassure our safety are exposed to those new types of weapons, the traditional methods of fight becoming impractical. The cyber-crimes are a supplement for cyber-terrorism in
no sustained history of violence,” (p. 203). While the reader might disagree with Bugliosi (it seems that instances of armed robbery, homosexual rape and wife beating could be considered a “sustained history”), these personal reactions to what is going on show the reader that Bugliosi is not merely an author or a historian, but a character in this story who experienced all the madness revolving around Charles Manson first hand. Therefore, while Helter Skelter might be considered very fact-driven
Case study: Anonymous While the motivation of terrorist acts remains the same, the rapid evolution of technique has provided to those that use terror as a method to attain their goals, new weapons with a potential that is not fully quantified. The database, the measures of protection and security, the equipment meant to reassure our safety are exposed to those new types of weapons, the traditional methods of fight becoming impractical. The cyber-crimes are a supplement for cyber-terrorism in what
serial killer who has become an icon of evil. In the late 1960s, Manson founded a hippie cult group known as "the Family" whom he manipulated into brutally killing others on his behalf. "Helter Skelter," Manson believed, was going to occur in the summer of 1969 when blacks were going to rise up and slaughter all the white people. He told his followers that they would be saved because they would go underground, literally, by traveling to an underground city of gold located in Death Valley. However, when
Life of PiContent QuestionsPart 1: Toronto & Pondicherry - Chapters 1-361). Pondicherry was the birth place of Pi the protagonist of the story. It was during Pi's time in Pondicherry that he has suffered intensely and found comfort in religion and zoology; which proves to be the basis of the stories plot. With this in mind, he was raised in a time where there were many political problems arising which leads to Pi's family leaving the country to Canada. This town is an appropriate choice for Pi's
Name________________________ Class Hour_______ CHAPTER 1-Understanding Religion STUDY QUESTIONS (Pages 1-29) Group A 1. What are some of the questions religion seek to answer? List some of the human needs served by religion? 2. Discuss a theory on origins of religion by one of the thinkers in the reading (Tylor, Frazer, Freud, James, Otto or Jung) that makes sense to you at the present time. 3. List and describe the eight elements that are developed in varying degrees in most religions?