Having watched Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief only recently and subsequently watching Faults and Sound Of My Voice, I suppose one could say I am in the midst of an occult fixation of sorts. I may do reviews on the latter two, but the short and sweet of it for now's that Faults did a fine job despite its tonal issues and ended rather nicely while Sound Of My Voice opted to bog itself down with undeveloped scenes and lines of dialogue that existed for no reason than to raise questions
Religious intolerance and Scientology The world can be a dangerous place. It can be even more dangerous if someone proves to be different, or seen as unusual in any way. Scientology may be arguably one of the strangest religions in the world. Because of this, Scientology has experienced intolerance since it was first founded in 1954. Religious intolerance is a social issue, and affects every level of the religious community, from the followers to the conductors of Scientology. Widespread intolerance
Throughout the movie Going Clear by Alex Gibney it descriptively provided the history and precise facts of the belief of scientology. Gibney also portrayed his feelings and opinion about the topic. Scientology is a two sided belief that allows outsiders to see the religion as a better way of life, but once committed into the faith they begin a lifelong journey of agony. Scientology has the power to recognize specific vulnerable individuals resulting in never accepting no as an answer in believing this
about a technology - not a philosophy. You must separate these concepts! The person who made the above quoted statement was L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. Because of the antics of Tom Cruise, the religion of Scientology is relegated to the kook fringe. And it probably should be. Separate the religion/philosophy of Scientology from their study technology. I am NOT a Scientologist. I do not support or subscribe to their religion. I do not
Evaluation Rodney Snow Argosy University Analyzing Religions David Bradnick September 17, 2014 I chose Scientology and Buddhism as the two religions that I don’t know anything about. Anthropological views of the two Religions are comparing and contrast in the following. Both religions focus on personal spiritual development and not the image as the source of their beliefs. Scientology was founded by Ron L. Hubbard in July of 1952. Over twenty five years Mr. Hubbard investigated the fundamentals
Eric Svitok Professor Szwed ANTH 100_18 9 October 2016 The World of Scientology The religion of Scientology is a very controversial topic all over the world and is even considered a cult by many. Those who chose to participate in the beliefs and practices of this faith form their own unique culture with other like-minded individuals. The purpose of my research is to gain insight into the world of Scientology by closely examining the lifestyles and opinions of its followers. What are the lives
The stated goal of Dianetics is to analyze humankind’s mental aberrations and to offer a means for overcoming them (???). Dianetics consists of three books, each containing several chapters (6). These books, according to Hubbard, follow the original line of research. Book I, “The Goal of Man”: illustrates the discovery of dynamic principle of existence and its meaning. Book II, “The Single Source of All Inorganic and Organic Psychosomatic Ills”: expounds the discovery of the source of aberrations
constantly fail and drift around in the sea while the members of the Sea Org were put to work. He is now wrongly remembered as a hero. Scientology should not be considered a religion because it was made by a delusional man who wanted profits and glory. The truth about Scientology needs to be common knowledge to everyone in order to spread awareness to those desperate enough to join the group. Originally it started as a scam started by L.Ron Hubbard in order to create a consistent influx of cash
Scientology has a lot of kinds of beliefs. One of the basic beliefs that scientology has is that experience is saved in the brain as à series of memory traces named engrams. These engrams can cause negative behavior such as, self-dating. Engrams can keep happening if à person is going through hard times, for example: When à relative passes away, à person needs to stop thinking about the situation of someone’s death; otherwise, the engrams are going to reinforced and recur. One of the purpose of scientology
News promo clip for the ”20/20”, actress leah Remini reveals how Tom Cruise was one of the factors that led her to break from the Church of Scientology. 45-year-old actress stated in the interview set to air on Friday, October 30 that, "Being critical of Tom Cruise is being critical of Scientology itself ... you are evil." Tom Cruise who is the poster boy for Scientology -- it's difficult to talk about one without talking about the other. That's an alarming but unsurprising mindset. What may be