Physics - 3rd Edition - by Alan Giambattista, Betty Richardson, Robert C. Richardson Dr. - ISBN 9780073512150

3rd Edition
Alan Giambattista, Betty Richardson, Robert C. Richardson Dr.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9780073512150

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Chapter 2.3 - Acceleration: Rate Of Change Of VelocityChapter 2.4 - Visualizing Motion Along A Line With Constant AccelerationChapter 2.5 - Kinematic Equations For Motion Along A Line With Constant AccelerationChapter 2.6 - Free FallChapter 3 - Motion In A PlaneChapter 3.1 - Graphical Addition And Subtraction Of VectorsChapter 3.2 - Vector Addition And Subtraction Using ComponentsChapter 3.3 - VelocityChapter 3.4 - AccelerationChapter 3.5 - Motion In A Plane With Constant AccelerationChapter 3.6 - Velocity Is Relative; Reference FramesChapter 4 - Force And Newton's Laws Of MotionChapter 4.1 - Interaction And ForcesChapter 4.2 - Inertia And Equilibrium: Newton's First Law Of MotionChapter 4.4 - Interaction Pairs: Newton's Third Law Of MotionChapter 4.5 - Gravitational ForcesChapter 4.6 - Contact ForcesChapter 4.7 - TensionChapter 4.8 - Applying Newton's LawsChapter 4.10 - Apparent WeightChapter 5 - Circular MotionChapter 5.1 - Description Of Uniform Circular MotionChapter 5.2 - Radial AccelerationChapter 5.3 - Unbanked And Banked CurvesChapter 5.4 - Circular Orbit Of Satellite And PlanetsChapter 5.5 - Nonuniform Circular MotionChapter 5.6 - Angular AccelerationChapter 5.7 - Apparent Weight And Artificial GravityChapter 6 - Conservation Of EnergyChapter 6.2 - Work Done By A Constant ForceChapter 6.3 - Kinetic EnergyChapter 6.4 - Gravitational Potential Energy - 1Chapter 6.5 - Gravitational Potential Energy -2Chapter 6.6 - Work Done By A Variable ForcesChapter 6.7 - Elastic Potential EnergyChapter 6.8 - PowerChapter 7 - Linear MomentumChapter 7.2 - MomentumChapter 7.3 - The Impulse-momentum TheoremChapter 7.4 - Conservation Of MomentumChapter 7.5 - Center Of MassChapter 7.6 - Motion Of The Center Of The MassChapter 7.7 - Collisions In One DimensionsChapter 7.8 - Collisions In Two DimensionsChapter 8 - Torque And Angular MomentumChapter 8.1 - Rotational Kinetic Energy And Rotational InertiaChapter 8.2 - TorqueChapter 8.3 - Calculating Work Done From The TorqueChapter 8.4 - Rotational EquilibriumChapter 8.6 - Rotational Form Of Newton's Second LawChapter 8.7 - The Motion Of Rolling ObjectsChapter 8.8 - Angular MomentumChapter 9 - FluidsChapter 9.2 - PressureChapter 9.3 - Pascal's PrincipleChapter 9.4 - The Effect Of Gravity On Fluid PressureChapter 9.5 - Measuring PressureChapter 9.6 - The Buoyant ForceChapter 9.7 - Fluid FlowChapter 9.8 - Bernoullis EquationChapter 9.9 - ViscosityChapter 9.10 - Viscous DragChapter 9.11 - Surface TensionChapter 10 - Elasticity And OscillationsChapter 10.2 - Hook's Law Of Tensile And Compressive ForcesChapter 10.3 - Beyond Hook's LawChapter 10.4 - Shear And Volume DeformationsChapter 10.5 - Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 10.6 - The Period And Frequency Of ShmChapter 10.7 - Graphical Analysis Of ShmChapter 10.8 - The PendulumChapter 11 - WavesChapter 11.1 - Waves And Energy TransportChapter 11.2 - Transverse And Longitudinal WavesChapter 11.3 - Speed Of Transverse Waves On A StringChapter 11.4 - Periodic WavesChapter 11.5 - Mathematical Description Of A WaveChapter 11.6 - Graphing WavesChapter 11.7 - Principle Of SuperpositionChapter 11.8 - Reflection And RefractionChapter 11.9 - Interference And DiffractionChapter 11.10 - Standing WavesChapter 12 - SoundChapter 12.2 - The Speed Of Sound WavesChapter 12.3 - Amplitude And Intensity Of Sound WavesChapter 12.4 - Standing Sound WavesChapter 12.7 - BeatsChapter 12.8 - The Doppler EffectChapter 13 - Temperature And Ideal GasChapter 13.2 - Temperature ScalesChapter 13.3 - Thermal Expansion Of Solids And LiquidsChapter 13.4 - Molecular Picture Of A GasChapter 13.5 - Absolute Temperature And The Ideal Gas LawChapter 13.6 - Kinetic Theory Of The Ideal GasChapter 13.7 - Temperature And Reaction RatesChapter 13.8 - DiffusionChapter 14 - HeatChapter 14.1 - Internal EnergyChapter 14.2 - HeatChapter 14.3 - Heat Capacity And Specific HeatChapter 14.4 - Specific Heat Of Ideal GasesChapter 14.5 - Phase TransitionsChapter 14.6 - Thermal ConductionChapter 14.8 - Thermal RadiationChapter 15 - ThermodynamicsChapter 15.1 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 15.2 - Thermodynamic ProcessesChapter 15.3 - Thermodynamic Process For An Ideal GasChapter 15.4 - Reversible And Irreversible ProcessChapter 15.5 - Heat EnginesChapter 15.6 - Refrigerators And Heat PumpsChapter 15.7 - Reversible Engines And Heat PumpsChapter 15.8 - EntropyChapter 16 - Electric Forces And FieldsChapter 16.1 - Electric ChargeChapter 16.2 - Electric Conductors And InsulatorsChapter 16.3 - Coulomb's LawChapter 16.4 - The Electric FieldChapter 16.5 - Motion Of A Point Charge In A Uniform Electric FieldChapter 16.6 - Conductors In Electrostatic EquilibriumChapter 16.7 - Gauss's Law For Electric FieldsChapter 17 - Electric PotentialChapter 17.1 - Electric Potential EnergyChapter 17.2 - Electric PotentialChapter 17.3 - The Relationship Between Electric Field And PotentialChapter 17.4 - Conservation Of Energy For Moving ChargesChapter 17.5 - CapacitorsChapter 17.6 - DielectricsChapter 17.7 - Energy Stored In A CapacitorChapter 18 - Electric Current And CircuitsChapter 18.1 - Electric CurrentChapter 18.3 - Microscopic View Of Current In A Metal: The Free-electron ModelChapter 18.4 - Resistance And ResistivityChapter 18.6 - Series And Parallel CircuitsChapter 18.7 - Circuit Analysis Using Kirchhoff's RulesChapter 18.8 - Power And Energy In CircuitsChapter 18.9 - Measuring Current And VoltageChapter 18.10 - Rc CircuitsChapter 19 - Magnetic Forces And FieldsChapter 19.2 - Magnetic Force On A Point ChargeChapter 19.3 - Charged Particle Moving Perpendicularly To A Uniform Magnetic FieldChapter 19.4 - Motion Of A Charged Particle In A Uniform Magnetic Field: GeneralChapter 19.5 - A Charged Particle In Crossed E And B FieldsChapter 19.6 - Magnetic Force On A Current-carrying WireChapter 19.7 - Torque On A Current LoopChapter 19.8 - Magnetic Field Due To An Electric CurrentChapter 19.9 - Ampere's LawChapter 20 - Electromagnetic InductionChapter 20.1 - Motional EmfChapter 20.2 - Electric GeneratorsChapter 20.3 - Faraday's LawChapter 20.4 - Lenz's LawChapter 20.6 - TransformersChapter 20.7 - Eddy CurrentsChapter 20.9 - InductanceChapter 20.10 - Lr CircuitsChapter 21 - Alternating CurrentChapter 21.1 - Sinusoidal Currents And Voltages: Resistors In Ac CircuitsChapter 21.3 - Capacitors In Ac CircuitsChapter 21.4 - Inductors In Ac CircuitsChapter 21.5 - Rlc Series CircuitsChapter 21.6 - Resonance In An Rlc CircuitChapter 22 - Electromagnetic WavesChapter 22.2 - AntennasChapter 22.4 - Speed Of Em Waves In Vacuum And In MatterChapter 22.5 - Characteristics Of Traveling Electromagnetic Waves In VacuumChapter 22.6 - Energy Transport By Em WavesChapter 22.7 - PolarizationChapter 22.8 - The Doppler Effect For Em WavesChapter 23 - Reflection And Refraction Of LightChapter 23.1 - Wavefronts, Rays, And Hygens's PrincipleChapter 23.3 - The Refraction Of Light: Snell's LawChapter 23.4 - The Total Internal ReflectionChapter 23.5 - Polarization By ReflectionChapter 23.6 - The Formation Of Images Through Reflection Or RefractionChapter 23.7 - Plane MirrorsChapter 23.8 - Spherical MirrorsChapter 23.9 - Thin LensesChapter 24 - Optical InstrumentsChapter 24.1 - Lenses In CombinationChapter 24.2 - CamerasChapter 24.3 - The EyeChapter 24.4 - Angular Magnification And The Simple MagnifierChapter 24.5 - Compound MicroscopesChapter 24.6 - TelescopesChapter 25 - Interference And DiffractionChapter 25.1 - Constructive And Destructive InterferenceChapter 25.2 - The Michelson InterferometerChapter 25.3 - Thin FilmsChapter 25.4 - Young's Double-slit ExperimentChapter 25.5 - GratingsChapter 25.6 - Diffraction And Huygens's PrincipleChapter 25.7 - Diffraction By A Single SlitChapter 25.8 - Diffraction And Resolution Of Optical InstrumentsChapter 26 - RelativityChapter 26.1 - Postulates Of RelativityChapter 26.3 - Time DilationChapter 26.4 - Length ContractionChapter 26.5 - Velocities In Different Reference FramesChapter 26.6 - Relativistic MomentumChapter 26.7 - Mass And EnergyChapter 26.8 - Relativistic Kinetic EnergyChapter 27 - Early Quantum Physics And The PhotonChapter 27.2 - Blackbody RadiationChapter 27.3 - The Photoelectric EffectChapter 27.4 - X-ray ProductionChapter 27.5 - Compton ScatteringChapter 27.7 - The Bohr Model Of The Hydrogen Atom; Atomic Energy LevelsChapter 27.8 - Pair Annihilation And Pair ProductionChapter 28 - Quantum PhysicsChapter 28.2 - Matter WavesChapter 28.4 - The Uncertainty PrincipleChapter 28.6 - The Hydrogen Atom: Wave Functions And Quantum NumbersChapter 28.7 - The Exclusion Principle: Electron Configurations For Atoms Other Than Hydrogen AtomChapter 28.9 - LasersChapter 28.10 - TunnelingChapter 29 - Nuclear PhysicsChapter 29.1 - Nuclear StructureChapter 29.2 - Binding EnergyChapter 29.3 - RadioactivityChapter 29.4 - Radioactive Decay Rates And Half-livesChapter 29.5 - Biological Effects Of RadiationChapter 29.6 - Induced Nuclear ReactionsChapter 29.7 - FissionChapter 29.8 - FusionChapter 30 - Particle PhysicsChapter 30.1 - Fundamental ParticlesChapter 30.2 - Fundamental Interactions

Book Details

This Physics textbook presents the basic concepts of physics that students need to know for later courses and future careers. This text helps students learn that physics is a tool for understanding the real world, and to teach transferable problem-solving skills, that students can use throughout their entire lives. Some of the most important enhancements in this edition include: new/updated MCAT exam coverage added and moved online, review and synthesis problems added, new biomedical applications, lists of biomedical applications at the beginning of each chapter, new ranking tasks, checkpoints, and collaborative problems. Connections have also been enhanced to help students see the bigger picture.

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Initial speed is 19.6 m/s and the initial height of stone from the ground is 1.50 m. Write the...The acceleration of the ball is 9.80 m/s2 and time taken is 3 s. Write the expression to calculate...Write the equation to find the displacement of rocket. s=ut+12at2 (I) Here, u is the initial...From the given graph the motion of the elevator is represented as an area under curve for the change...The figure below shows the velocity versus time graph of the traveller. The total distance between...The graph shown plots the velocity-time graph of the ball. When the ball reaches the maximum height,...Write the equation for average speed of the signal. vavg=ΔxΔt (I) Here, vavg is the average speed,...Two vectors are said to be equal if and only if their magnitude as well as their direction are...Given that the vector A→ is directed along the positive x-axis and has magnitude 1.73 units, and the...Write the expression for the magnitude of A→+B→ |A→+B→|=[(A→+B→)x]2+[(A→+B→)y]2 (I) Write the...Write the equation for the magnitude of vector. |A|=Ax2+Ay2 Here, the magnitude of vector A is |A|,...Since angle is below x axis, take it as negative. Write the expression for x component of B→...The speed of the speed boat for first 20.0 min is 108 km/h. The speed of the boat for next 10.0 min...The speed of the person due east is 90.0 km/h, the speed of the person due south of west is 76.0...Given that the radius of the circular path is 20.0 m, and the time taken for covering three quarters...Consider the figure 1 showing initial and final velocities Let +x be the east direction, and +y be...Take the +y direction to be upward. Write the equation of motion. vfy2−viy2=2ayΔy (I) Here, vfy is...Write the equation to find the displacement of the seed. Δy=viyΔt+12ay(Δt)2 (I) Here, Δy is the...Write the equation for the time taken for the stone to reach the base of the gorge. t=2sg (I) Here,...The person S’s motion is shown in Figure 1. Write an expression to calculate the x component of the...The travel of H is sketched in figure 1. Compute the displacement using the component method. Write...Write the equation of motion for the ball taken to reach the wall. Δx=vxΔt (I) Here, Δx is the...The jump of locust is a projectile motion. The angle of jump is 55.0° and the horizontal distance is...Newton’s first law states that the object will continue its state of rest or of uniform motion...Write an expression for the net force. Fa=F1+F2 (I) Here, Fa is the net force on the object, F1 is...Write the mathematical equation of Newton’s second law. ΣF=ma Here, ΣF is the magnitude of the sum...Write the equation of gravitational force during lunar eclipse. F=GMsMMrMS2+GMEMMrME2 (I) Here, F is...The weight of the crate is 80.0 N. The angle of inclination of the ramp is 20.0 °. Consider the ramp...Figure 1 shows the free body diagram of the system. Write an expression to calculate the net...Let +y be upward direction. Since m2 is greater than m1 the mass m2 will accelerate downward while...The reading of scale without box is 0.960 kN, mass of box is 20.0 kg, and the reading of scale with...Mass of block m1 is 3.0 kg and the mass of block m2 is 2.0 kg. The free body diagram is shown below....Case 1 (mass m1). Write the expression for the equilibrium condition in y-direction (Vertical)....The mass of puck is 2.0 kg, coefficient of static friction between the board and puck is 0.35,...Write the equation of reading on scale A. SA=(m1+m2)g (I) Here, SA is the reading on scale A, m1,m2...Draw the free body diagram of the system. The net force in the vertical direction is zero. In the...The mass of the cart is m1 and mass of the block is m2. Write the expression to calculate the...Take +y direction to be upward and +x direction to be the right. Write the equation for the net...Write the expression for the magnitude of gravitational force of Sun on the spacecraft. FsS=GMSmrS2...Mass of airplane is 2800 kg, velocity of altitude gain is 2.3 m/s, and the acceleration of...The figure 1 shows net force exerted on the watermelon and pumpkin attached by the cord Since the...The mass of the skier is 63 kg, the length of the icy slope is 50 m, the angle between the slope and...Acceleration of rocket in first 1.5 s is 17.5 m/s2, mass of rocket is 87 g, and the fuel is much...The mass of the astronaut is 60.0 kg, the initial speed of both astronaut and asteroid is 0 m/s, the...Write the equation to find the time taken for the newspaper to hit the ground. Δy=vt+12gt2 Here, Δy...Given that the angle of inclination of the slope is 12° below the horizontal, the coefficient of...Write the expression for the acceleration of each block. aA=FAmAaB=FBmB (I) Here, aA is the...The rate of change of velocity of an object is known as the acceleration. When there is a rate of...Write the expression for the linear speed. v=ωr (I) Here, v is the linear speed, ω is the angular...Write the expression for the radial acceleration. ar=ω2r (I) Here, ar is the radial acceleration, w...The figure 1 shows the free body diagram for the tension force and gravitational force exerted on...Given that the radius of the curved path is 410 m, the speed of the car is 32 m/s, the banking angle...Write the expression for the net force acting along y direction. ∑Fy=Ny−mg+fy=0 (I) Here, Fy is the...Figure 1 shows the free body diagram of the car. Write an expression to calculate the net horizontal...Write the equation of angle from angular kinematics. (Δθ)=ω(Δt)+12α(Δt)2 (I) Here, the angle is...Since the car moves with constant tangential acceleration with the circumference C=2πr. Write the...The angular speed of centrifuge is 1.0 ×103 rev/min and the radius of rotor is 8.0 cm. Write the...The height of the space station is H and radius of earth is 6.371×106 m, mass of the earth is...Write an expression to calculate the satellite’s instantaneous velocity at point C. v=2π(r+h)T (I)...Write an expression to calculate the angular displacement of Earth in one day. Δθ=2πTΔt (I) Here,...According to the work energy theorem, the work done on an object is equal to the change in kinetic...Write the expression for work done. Wg=Fxcosθ Here, Wg is the work done by gravity, F is the force,...Write the equation for the change in height. Δy=lsinθ (I) Here, Δy is the change in height, l is the...The mass of the roller coaster car is 988 kg. The diameter of the circular loop is 20.0 m. The car...Mass of block is 4.0 kg, length of plane is 8.0 m, inclination of plane is 15 °, and the distance...Take +x be up the incline. Write the expression for the net force along x direction....Given that the length of the blade is 4.0 m, the speed of wind is 10 m/s, and the time is 1.0 s....Consider the graph of potential energy plotted against distance. It is given that at t=0 particle is...Write the work-energy theorem. Wtotal=ΔK (I) Here, Wtotal is the total work done and ΔK is the...Given that the mass of the person is 70 kg, the height of Yosemite Falls is 740 m, and the time is...Figure 1 represents the motion of person J. Here, L is the length of the vine and h is the vertical...The figure 1 shows the forces acting on the block. Write the equation for mechanical energy of the...Imagine that spring (1) is suspended from a ceiling and spring (2) is attached to the bottom of the...According to work energy theorem, the work performed by a system will be equivalent to the change in...Let us consider the distance be d moved along the incline by mass m2. Both masses move the same...Find the equation for the length of the vine. sinθi=oppositehypotenuse=5.00 mLL=5.00 msinθi (I)...Length of string is L, height from the bottom to the starting point of motion is h, and the height...When a person is jumping from certain height, the possibilities of being injured internally depends...Write an expression to calculate the change in momentum of the bird. Δp→=mΔv→=m(v→f−v→i) Here, Δp→...Take direction opposite to initial velocity of baseball as +x direction and upward direction as +y...The momentum change of the ball of mass m1 is equal but opposite to that of the ball of mass m2....The mass of the car moving east ward is 1500 kg, velocity of the car moving east ward is 17 m/s, the...The figure 1 shows the final position of cars moved together into the fourth quadrant. The collision...Speed of first swallow is 20 m/s, speed of second swallow is 15 m/s, mass of first swallow is 0.270...The initial speed of the shooter is 3.2 m/s. The mass of the shooter is 3m and mass of the marble is...The mass of the car moving west is 1100 kg. The mass of the car moving north is 1300 kg. After the...Given that the mass of the object is 2.0 kg, the object is approaching the target with speed 8.0...Mass of women is 60.0 kg, mass of raft is 120 kg, length of raft is 6.0 m, and the distance to the...Given that the mass of Vulcan spaceship is 65000 kg, the mass of Romulan spaceship is 2×65000 kg,...Write the expression for the conservation of energy of the boy alone. Ki+Ui+Wnc=Kf+Uf (I) Here, Ki...The vertical distance from the monkey’s hand to the person hand is 5.00 m and the horizontal...The axis of rotation of the door is at the higher edge of the door. The diagram for the door...Write the expression for the rotational inertia about x axis. Ix=∑i=ACmiri2 Here, Ix is the moment...The arrangement of the point mass is given in the Figure (a). Given that the mass of the point...Mass of ankle is 3.0 kg, length of patellar tendon is 10.0 cm, angle of pull by the tendon is 20.0°,...Number of revolutions are 1.5 , time taken is 1.4 s, radius of circular path is 0.90 m, and the mass...Write the expression for linear acceleration. a=Rα Here, a is the linear acceleration, R is the...The diagram is shown in figure 1. Write the equation for the conservation of energy for the given...Write the expression for initial rotational inertia before child enters to the merry go round...The cross-sectional area of the blowfly is 0.10 cm2. The mass of the blowfly is 0.070 g. For the...Write the equation of conservation of energy. Ki+Ui=Ktr,f+Krot,f+Uf (I) Here, Ki is the initial...Write the equation for angular momentum of a rigid object. L=Iω (I) Here, L is the angular momentum...Mass of painter is 61 kg, length of uniform plank is 6.00 m, mass of plank is 20.0 kg, distance to...Write the expression for the rotational inertia of a uniform disk. I=12MR2 Here, I is the rotational...Write an expression to calculate the angular velocity when the hoop arrives at the bottom....The system is in equilibrium until the ladder begins to slip. Write the expression for the Newton’s...Consider Newton’s second law to find the force exerted by road on bicycle, since it is the only...The final angular speed is 11 rad/s, rotational inertia of disc is 1.5 kg⋅m2, and the radius of disc...The actual pressure of a gas or a given position is called absolute pressure. Gauge pressure is the...Buoyant force is the force acting on object that is partially or completely immersed in water....The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of water. Write the...Write the continuity equation ΔVΔt=A1v1=A2v2 (I) Here, ΔVΔt is the volume flow rate, A1 and A2 is...Given that the internal radius of the syringe is 0.300 mm, its length is 3.00 cm, the viscosity of...Write the equation for volume flow rate. ΔVΔt=Av (I) Here, ΔV/Δt is the volume flow rate of the...Radius of sphere is 1.0 cm, mass of sphere is 12.0 g, density of liquid is 1200 kg/m3, and the...Given that the specific gravity of aluminium sphere is 2.7, and its terminal speed is 5.0 cm/s. The...Write the equation for pressure difference. ΔP=ρgh (I) Here, ρ is the density of the air at 20°C, g...Find the equation for the speed with which the water leave the showerhead....Write the expression to find the percentage of increase of blood pressure difference between the...Dimensions of aluminum block is 2.00 cm by 3.00 cm by 5.00 cm. The spring scale shows the mass of...Radius of ball is 20.0 cm, mass of ball is 0.10 kg, and the air density is 1.3 kg/m3. Write the...Write the expression for the Newton’s second law. ΣFy=0 (I) Here, ΣFy is the net external force on...Depth pipe from the street level is 0.90 m, gauge pressure is 52.0 kPa, radius of main pipe is 5.00...The Young’s modulus of the any material is nothing but the ratio of linear stress applied to the...Write the equation for the average power required. Pav=ΔKΔt (I) Here, Pav is the average power...Write an expression for the average cross sectional area of the tibia....The cross sectional area is 25 cm2, load is 7.0×104 N, Young’s modulus is 60 GPa, and the...The length of the wire is 3.0 m, the change in length (elongation) of the wire is 2.1 mm, the...Write the expression for the maximum velocity. vm=ωA (I) Here, vm is the maximum velocity, ω is the...The mass of the child is 24 kg, the compression of the spring is 28 cm and the frequency of...The mass of the object is 230.0 g, the frequency of oscillation is 2.00 Hz and the amplitude of the...Write an expression for the period. T=2πLg (I) Here, T is the period, L is the length of the...Write the equation for total mechanical energy of a pendulum. E=12mω2A2 (I) Here, m is the mass of...The Young’s modulus of the spider silk is 4.0 GPa and the maximum stress is 1.4 GPa. Write the...The length of the spring is 20.0 cm, the mass of the brick hanged is 1.10 kg, the stretch of the...Consider the segment of the rope between the fixed end and the walker’s position. A right triangle...Write the equation for time period of the physical pendulum. T=2πImgd (I) Here, T is the time period...The spring constant is 450 N/m, mass of pan is 0.250 kg, mass of oranges is 2.20 kg, and height of...The density of the air is 1.29 kg/m3, the density of helium is 0.179 kg/m3, radius of the balloon is...Generally waves are classified into two, one is transverse wave and another is longitudinal waves....Write the standard expression of a transverse wave travelling along x direction. y(x,t)=Asin(kx−ωt)...Speed of transverse wave is 10.0 m/s and the equation of wave is y(x,t)=Acos(ωt+kx). The direction...Write the expression for the position of wave at time t. x=x0+vt (I) Here, x is the position of the...Given that the individual intensities of the waves are 0.040 W/m2, and 0.090 W/m2. The intensity of...Write the equation for lowest standing wave frequency. fn=nv2L (I) Here, fn is the fundamental...The wave is moving is −x axis. The amplitude of the wave is 2.0 cm. The period of the wave is 4.0 s....The equation of wave is y(x,t)=(7.00 cm)cos((6.00π rad/cm)x+(20.0 rad/s)t ). The direction of wave...The given wave equations are, y(x,t)=(1.50 cm)sin[(4.00 cm−1)x+(6.00 s−1)t] (I) y(x,t)=(4.50...Consider the expression for y as given below y=A[sin(kx−ωt)+sin(kx+ωt)]=Asin(kx−ωt)+Asin(kx+ωt) (I)...The mass of the ball of the tetherball set is 0.411 kg. The diameter of the nylon string is 2.50 mm....Mass of object is 15.0 kg and length of thin wire is 14.0 m. Write the equation for the frequency of...The given wave is harmonic. Write the general expression for a harmonic wave. y(x,t)=Asin(ωt+kx) (I)...Pitch is the perception of frequency. A high frequency sound corresponds to a high pitch whereas a...The intensity level of air is 120.0 dB. Write the equation for sound intensity levels in bels. β=(10...Write the equation of intensity. lnβ=(10 dB)log(I/Io)IIo=10(β)/(10 dB)I=Io10(β)/(10 dB) (I) Here, I...Write the equation for the speed of transverse waves on a string. v=Fμ (I) Here, v is the speed of...Write the expression for the fundamental frequency of the tube. f1=vair4Ltube (I) Here, f1 is the...Write the expression for the intensity of the sound. I=p022ρv (I) Here, I is the intensity of the...The velocity of the bat is 15 ms−1 and the emitted frequency is 35 kHz. Consider the bat to be the...The energy rate of the trumpet is 0.800 W. The diameter of the bell opening is 12.7 cm. Write the...The length of the string is 64.0 cm, the tension on the string is 133 N and the fundamental...Write the expression for the speed of transverse wave vt=Fμ (I) Here, vt is the speed of transverse...The zeroth law of thermodynamics define that “if two thermodynamic systems are in thermal...Write an expression for the increase in length. ΔL=LαΔT=Lα(Tf−Ti) (I) Here, ΔL is the increase in...Write the equation to calculate the amount of spilled water. (ΔV)=(ΔVH2o)−(ΔVglass) (I) Here, (ΔV)...Write the expression to find the number density of the gas. ρN=NV Here, N is the number of...Depth of lake is 80.0 m, temperature at the bottom of lake is 4°C, water temperature at the surface...The given temperature is 25° C. Find the temperature in Kelvin scale T(K)=273.15 K+T(° C) (I) Here,...The diameter of nitrogen molecule is 0.3 nm, the temperature is 290 K and the pressure is 100 kPa....The molecular formula of oleic acid is C18H34O2. Write the expression for molar mass of oleic acid...The percentage of oxygen in dry surface air is 21%. The percentage of nitrogen is 78%. The...Diameter of ball is 3.75 cm and diameter of N2 molecule is 0.30 nm. It is assumed that the N2...The temperature change of ground squirrel during hibernation is from 40.0 °C to 10.0 °C. The air in...Write the expression for change in length ΔL=αL0ΔT (I) Here, ΔL is the change in length, α is the...Write the equation for linear expansion of the one metallic strip. ΔL1L0=α1ΔT (I) Here, ΔL1 is the...Write the expression for conservation of energy T+U=T′+U′ (I) Here, T, T′ are the initial and final...Write the expression to calculate the final volume of the tank. V′=(ΔVΔt)Δt Here, V′ is the final...Given that the diameter of the molecule is 0.3 nm, the temperature is 20°C (293.15 K), and the time...The heat flow direction does not depend on the position of the objects. Gravity have no effect on...Given that the volume of air breathed in one hour is 5 m3, the pressure is 101 kPa, and the...Write the expression for energy needed to raise the temperature of ice to 0.0°C....The temperature of the ice is −10.0 °C. The volume of tea is 2.00×10−4 m3. The initial temperature...Refer problem 41. Write the equation for net heat energy of ice-tea system. Qt+Qice+Qg=0 (I) Here,...The temperature of the ice is −10.0 °C. The temperature of water is 25.0 °C. Mass of water is 0.250...Write the expression for heat required to melt ice. Q=miceLf+miceciceΔT (I) Here, Q is the heat,...Heat flows from coffee to the ice is taken as positive, when it enters the ice to melt it and warm...Write the expression for the thermal resistance foe the material. RWood=dWKWA . (I) Here, Rwood is...Write an expression for the heat flow. P=κAΔTd (I) Here, P is the heat flow, κ is the thermal...Write the expression for Stefan’s law of radiation. p=eσAT4 Here, σ is the Stefan constant, e is the...Write the Fourier’s law of heat conduction. ℘=κAΔTd (I) Here, ℘ is the rate of heat conduction, κ is...Write the equation for heat energy required to produce temperature change in a system. Q=mcΔT (I)...Write the equation for heat energy required to produce temperature change in water. QW=mWcW(Tf−Ti)...Write the equation for thermal conductivity from Fourier’s law of heat conduction. Write the...Given that the volume of nitrogen is 3.0 L, the volume of oxygen is 5.0 L, the temperature of both...For the two blocks to be in thermal contact, the blocks need not touch each other. They can transfer...The heat pump with coefficient of performance 1 will not really be a heat pump. The main example for...Write the expression for temperature using Ideal gas equation. T=PVnR Here, T is the temperature, P...There is 2.00 mol of ideal gas in the refrigerator. The cycle of the ideal gas is shown below in...Given that the number of moles of the oxygen gas is 1.00 mol, the pressure is 1.00 atm, the initial...Write the expression for the total work done when the gas follows the constant temperature path...Write the expression for work done at constant pressure AE. W=−PΔVi (I) Here, W is the work done, P...The mass of the first block of iron is 0.500 kg and it is at temperature 60.0 °C. The mass of the...Average temperature difference between top and bottom is 15°C and the average surface temperature is...Write the expression for work done during process A. WA=nRTln(VfVi) Here, T is the temperature, WA...The number of moles of the diatomic gas is 1000 mol. The figure below shows the cycle. During the...Write the expression for the heat for the isothermal expansion. Q1=ΔU1−Winput (I) Here, Q1 is the...Write an expression for the maximum possible efficiency of the plant. er=1−TCTH (I) Here, er is the...Find an expression for the number of moles. PV=nRT (I) Here, n is the number of moles, P is the...Gravitational force is always attractive but the electrical force can be either attractive or...Write the Coulomb’s law. F=k|q1||q2|r2 (I) Here, F is the electric force, k is a constant q1,q2 are...The arrangement of the charges is given in the figure. Let us represent +1.0 μC as q1, −0.60 μC as...Refer figure 1. Write an expression for the net horizontal force. ΣFx=Tsinθ2−F=0 (I) Here, ΣFx is...The orientation of three charges are shown in figure given below. The force acting on q1 is due to...Electric field is directed from positive charge (higher potential) to negative (lower potential)....Given that the charge of the inner sphere is 230 nC, the distance to the point under consideration...Write an expression for equilibrium condition for gravitational and electrical force....Write the equation of magnitude of the net electric force. F=Fx2+Fy2 (I) Here, F is the magnitude of...Charge Q1 is −4.5 μC, position of Q1 is x=1.00 cm and y=1.00 cm, Charge Q2 is 6.0 μC, and the...Write the expression to find the electric field on the x axis. Ex=E1x+E2x (I) Here, E1x is the...The sides of the square is 2.50 μm. The charge A is 0.200 μC. The charge B is −0.150 μC. The charge...The charges of dipole are ±3.0 μC, separation between charges is 7.0 cm, electric field is 2.0×104...Write the expression for the torque acting on the dipole. τ=qEdsinθ (I) Here, τ is the torque on the...Radius of rain drop is 1.0 mm, charge is 2 nC, electric field is 2000 N/C, terminal speed of...When we move two opposite charges close together, their initial and final kinetic energies will be...The charges are +8.00 nC, −8.00 nC and +2.00 nC and the distances between the charges are given in...The charges are +8.00 nC, −8.00 nC and +2.00 nC and the distances between the charges are given in...The charges at the corners of the square are +9.0 μC, −3.0 μC, −3.0 μC and −3.0 μC at the corners a,...The side of the square is 1.0 m and the charges are +4.2 nC and −6.4 nC. Write the expression for...The charges are 35.0 nC and 55.0 nC. The first charge is placed at the origin and the second charge...The magnitude of the electric field is 240 NC−1 directed to the right and the charge of the particle...The magnitude of the electric field is 240 NC−1 directed to the right and the charge of the particle...Write the expression for conservation of energy Kf+Uf=Ki+Ui (I) Here, Kf is the final kinetic...The diameter of the circular plate is 10.0 cm and the separation between the plates is 2.00 mm....The area of the plate is 314 cm2, the applied potential difference is 20.0 V, and the separation...Write the equation to find the potential at point A. V=kQr (I) Here, V is the potential, k is a...Write the equation to find the electric potential energy at point b. Ub=q(kqLrL+kqRrR) (I) Here, q...Write newton’s equation to find the force acting on the electrons. Fy=may (I) Here, Fy is the force,...The following figure gives the diagram of the total force acting on the body. Write the expression...Write the expression for the law of conservation of momentum. mpvi=mLivLi Here, mp is the mass of...The electric filed is essential for the flow of current in the conductors and keep the current...Write the equation for resistance. R=ρLA (I) Here, R is the resistance, ρ is the resistivity, L is...The sum of individual resistance connected in series and reciprocal of resistance connected in...The sum of individual resistance connected in series and reciprocal of resistance connected in...The sum of individual resistance connected in series and reciprocal of resistance connected in...The ammeters should be connected in series with the resistor to measure the current flowing thought...The voltmeter should be connected in parallel with the resistor to measure the voltage across it....Write the equation for energy. U0=12CV02 (I) Here, U0 is the initial energy, C is the capacitance...The resistor R1 and R2 in series then the equivalent resistance is, Req=R1+R2 (I) The capacitors C1...Initially the capacitor has zero voltage across it then the voltage V1 and V2 is equal to the...Write the equation for resistance from power. R=V2P (I) Here, P is the power, V is the potential...The Earth-ionosphere system can be considered as parallel plate since, dR=5.0×104 m6.371×106 m≈10−2...Write the equation for current. I=VReq (I) Here, I is the current, Req is the equivalent resistance...Write the equation for current. I=VReq (I) Here, I is the current, Req is the equivalent resistance...Write the equation for energy. U=12CV2 (I) Here, U is the energy, C is the capacitance and V is...The circuit diagram is shown below, From the circuit the voltmeter reading is, V4=I4(83.0 Ω) (I)...Write the equation for charge on upper plate. Q=CV=ε0AdV=ε0L2dV (I) Here, Q is the charge on upper...Given, LAl=3LCu and rAl=2rCu Write the equation for resistance. R=ρLA (I) Here, ρ is the...Electric force is the product of electric field and the charge. This makes the electric field to be...Sulfur, manganese and the unknown element are accelerated through the same potential difference....The potential difference in region 1 is 3330 V. The magnetic field in region 2 and region 3 is 1.20...The schematic diagram showing the rectangular loop carrying current is given in figure 1 below. The...The rectangle wire loop is given below. Write the expression for magnetic force along top loop....Refer figure 1. Write an expression for the force on the side. F=ILBsinθ (I) Here,F is the magnitude...Write the equation of net magnetic field. B=Bbottom+Btop (I) Here, B is the net magnitude field,...Given that the separation between wires is d, and the length of wires is L. The direction of the...The diagram for the magnetic field is depicted in figure 1: The vertical component of the two fields...Refer figure 1. Write an expression for the forces acting on a wire. ΣFx=2Tsinθ−F=0 (I) Here, ΣFx is...Chapter 19, Problem 90PThe right hand rule states that in the case of a cross product, if the index finger of the right...Write the expression for the magnitude of magnetic field due to current carrying long wire....Write an expression for the speed. v=eBrm (I) Here, v is the speed, e is the charge, B is the...Figure 1 gives the direction of charge with helicopter view looking down. The cross product of peed...Concentration of free electrons is 5.85×1028 m−3, thickness of silver strip is 0.050 mm, width of...The right hand rule states that in the case of a cross product, if the index finger of the right...With the rotation of the loop, the associated magnetic flux increases. The flux approaches its...Write an expression for the current drawn by the motor when it is first started up. I=εextR (I)...Write an expression for the number of turns on the solenoid. N=BLμ0I (I) Here, N is the number of...Write the equation of magnetic field from Ampere’s law. ∮B→.dl→=μ0NI (I) Here, B is the magnetic...Write the expression to calculate I1. I1=εR Here, ε is the voltage of battery and R is the...Write the equation for the current in a LR circuit. I=If(1−e−t/τ) (I) Here, I is the current in the...Given that the voltage offered by the power supply is 100.0 V, and he resistance of the winding is...Write the equation to find the energy stored in an inductor. U=12LI2 (I) Here, U is the energy...Write an expression for the maximum current flows through the circuit. I0=εR (I) Here, I0 is the...In side 2, current flows into the page and in side 4, current flows out of the page. Given that the...Write the expression for motional emf. ε=vBL Here, ε is the motional emf, B is the magnetic field, v...The loop is at rest and magnetic field is constant, and average velocity of electron is also zero...As the alternating current flows through a circuit containing an uncharged capacitor, charge begins...Given that, in the series RLC circuit, the capacitance is 0.20 mF, the inductance is 13 mH, the...The resistor with resistance of 3.3 kΩ is connected in series with a capacitor of capacitance 2.0​...The diagram for the RLC circuit is given figure 1: Write the equation of resonant frequency. ω0=1LC...Write the expression for phase angle. tanϕ=XL−XCR (I) Here, ϕ is the phase angle, XL is the...Write the equation to find the resonant frequency of a series LCR circuit. ω0=1LC Here, ω0 is the...Apply Kirchhoff’s voltage rule in the circuit to get expression of rms current. 0=ε−Irmsr−Irms...Write the expression for the resonant frequency of the circuit. f0=12πLC Here, L is the inductance...Write the expression for impedance of the RL series circuit. Z=R2+XL2 (I) Here, Z is the impedance,...Write an expression for the capacitive reactance. XC=1ωC (I) Here, ω is the angular frequency, XC is...The capacitance of capacitor is 5.00​ μF, the frequencies of the capacitor are 12.0 Hz and 1.50 kHz....Write the expression to calculate the impedance of the circuit. Z=R2+(ωL−1ωC)2 Write the expression...Write the equation for the average power. Pav=IrmsVrms (I) Here, Pav is the average power, Irms is...In electric dipole antenna, better signal reception will take place if it is aligned with electric...Given that the diameter of the telescope is 305 m, and intensity of the radio waves is 10−26W/m2....Write the equation to find the frequency of pulse received by an observer in first spaceship....To occur a Doppler shift of magnitude in which a red light is seen as green, a relativistic relative...The light is un-polarized at first. When an un-polarized light is passed through a polarizer, its...Write the expression for wavelength. λ=cf (I) Here, c is the velocity of light, f is the frequency,...Write an expression for the frequency of EM wave with wavelength as the size of the thickness of a...Write the equation for intensity of laser beam. I=PA Here, I is the intensity of laser beam, P is...Write an expression for average energy density in an EM wave. 〈u〉=ε0Erms2 (I) Here, 〈u〉 average...Write the expression for rate of energy absorption. QΔt=mcwΔTΔt (I) Here, Q/Δt is the rate of energy...Write the equation to find the power of the lamp. P=IrmsΔVrms (I) Here, P is the power of the lamp,...For the best result of magnetic dipole antenna which is used to detect electromagnetic waves, the...When the radiation is incident on a surface and the radiation is reflecting with an angle of...The diagram is shown in figure 1. To find α , use geometry. The sum of the angles of the triangle...The schematic ray diagram involving the prism is shown in Figure 1. The refractive index of the...First image is the result of a single reflection. Write the equation to find the distance of first...Write an expression for the magnification. h'h=−qp (I) Here, h' is the image height, h is the object...Given that the focal length of the lens is 29.5 cm, the distance of the image from the lens is 38.0...Write an expression for the focal length of each lens. f=1P (I) Here, f is the focal length and P is...Write an expression for lens’ law. 1f=1p+1p (I) Here, p is the object distance, q is the image...The focal length of the lens is 8.00 cm and the image distances are 5.0 cm, 14.0 cm, 16.0 cm and...Write the magnification formula. m=−qp (I) Here, m is the magnification, q is the image distance and...The angle of prism is 45° and refractive index of the glass is 1.50. Write the law of reflection...The angle of between the incident ray and the glass surface is 30° and refractive index of the glass...Write the transverse magnification equation in terms of the object and image heights. m=h′h (I)...Given that the angle of reflection is 25.0°, angle of refraction is 37.0°. According to the laws of...The real image of the real object is needed for the camera and the slide projector. This is only...Given that the distance between the two converging lenses is 88.0 cm, the distance between the first...Given that f1 is 4.00 cm, f2 is −2.00 cm, the distance between the lenses is 8.00 cm, the object...Write the expression for magnification of image M=−qp=h′h (I) Here, q is the image distance, p is...Given that the focal length of the converging lens is 3.00 cm, the distance between the object and...Refractive power of a lens is the reciprocal of its focal length. P=1f (I) Here, P is the refractive...Assume that the final image is appeared at infinity. This happens when image of the objective is...From problem 48 P, image distance for the eyepiece is 25.0 cm and the image distance for the...Write the equation to find the distance between the glass and book. p=dbook−dglass (I) Here, p is...Write the expression for the lens maker’s formula. 1p1+1q1=1f1 Here, p1 is the object distance, q1...Write the expression for the lens maker’s formula. 1p1+1q1=1f1 Here, p1 is the object distance, q1...Write lens equation for converging lens. 1p1+1q1=1f1 Here, p1 is the object distance of for...The coherent waves will have a definite fixed phase relationship between them. If the frequency of...Given that the index of refraction of the soap film is 1.50, the thickness of the film is 910.0 nm....Write the expression to calculate the slit width. d=1n Here, d is the slit width and n is the number...Given that the width of the grating is 1.600 cm, the number of slits is 12000, and the wavelengths...Given that the width of the central maximum when blue light is used is 2.0 cm. Write the condition...It is given that the radio waves have the same frequency and start out in phase. This implies the...Given that the number of slits per unit length of the grating is 5550 slits/cm. Write the expression...Write the expression for the width of the central maximum. W=2x (I) Here, W is the width of the...The ray reflected from the front of the film will be reversed in phase because the refractive index...The wavelength of the red light is 690 nm, wavelength of the blue light is 460 nm, the...Sketch the diagram showing the distances. Find the distance d from the figure using Pythagoras...Given that the amplitudes of the interfering waves are 3.0 V/m and 9.0 V/m. Write the expression for...The Snell’s law can be used to relate the angular separation of the twos sources and the angular...The observation of relativity is obvious for objects with speed comparable to the speed of light. In...Since the length of the field between the goal lines in the rest frame of earth is 91.5 m, proper...Given that the kinetic energy of the electrons is 25 MeV, the rest mass energy of electron is 0.5110...Write the expression for kinetic energy K=qV (I) Here, K is the kinetic energy, q is the charge, and...Write the expression for total energy E=K+E0 (I) Here, E is the total energy, K is the kinetic...Write the statement given in the problem. γ−1<<1 Here, γ is the Lorentz factor. Rearrange...The time elapse between the two events is 50.0 ns, the length of the ship is 12.0 m. Let us use the...Write the expression for the magnitude of momentum for each particle. p=γmv (I) Here, p is the...Write the expression for the relativistic energy of a particle. (pc)2=K2+2KE0 Here, p is the...Write the equation for law of conservation of energy for the given system. mRac2=mαc2+mPoc2+Kα+KPo...In problem, time for which force applied is 3.6×104 s, mass of spaceship is 2200 kg and speed of the...Write the expression for the proper time interval. Δt0=Ts (I) Here, Δt0 is the proper time interval,...Given that the accelerating potential is 25.00 MV. Write the classical expression for the kinetic...The photon model of light connects the energy of light to its frequency only. The ultraviolet rays...Given that the wavelength of the photon is 0.14800 nm, it is travelling in the eastward direction,...The transition with the least energy will produce a photon with longest wavelength. The transition...Write the expression for the radius of nth state of hydrogen atom. rn=n2a0 (I) Here, rn is the...Write an expression for the energy of level of doubly ionized lithium. En=−Z2n2E0 (I) Here, En is...Write Einstein’s photoelectric effect. Kmax=hf−ϕ (I) Here, Kmax is the maximum kinetic energy of the...Given that the wavelength of the UV light is ranging from 96 nm to 110 nm. The photons that can be...Write the expression to find the maximum kinetic energy. Kmax=eVs (I) Here, Kmax is the maximum...Given that the energy of the photons is 186 keV. In Compton scattering, photons scattered from a...The wavelength of the photon is 97 nm. The hydrogen atom is initially at rest. Write the expression...Write the expression for the number of photons emitted per second by the laser. N=EEphoton (I) Here,...Write the equation for the energy of the photon. E=hcλ (I) Here, E is the energy of the photons, h...Given that the wavelength of light is 180 nm, the magnetic field strength is 7.5×10−5 T, and the...The angle of diffraction is same in both the electron diffraction and the x-ray diffraction...The energy of the emitted photon during the transition from first excited state to the ground state...Write the expression for tunnelling probability. P=e−2κa (I) Here, P is the tunnelling probability,...The mass of the marble is 10 g, its speed is 2 cms−1 and the length of the box is 10 cm. Write the...The energy of the photon emitted during transition from the first excited state to the ground state...The time interval between the two shutters is 13.0 ms and the distance between the first and second...The length of the box is 10−14 m. Write the expression for energy of the quantized level. E1=h28mL2...The ground state energy of the electron in a box is 0.010 eV. Write the expression for energy of the...For a particle in a box, the wave function in the nth state has n−1 nodes. For n=1 state, the wave...The speed range of the neutron is 0 to 2.0×104 ms−1, the interplanar distance of the crystal is 0.20...The accelerating potential is 54.0 V. Write the expression for de Broglie wavelength λ=hmv (I) Here,...The ground state energy of sodium is −5.1 eV. The ionisation energy is the energy required to move...Henri Becquerel and other scientists determine there are three kinds of radiation and named them as...A radioactive nuclide has half-life T1/2=800.0 s and initial activity R0=80000 s−1 undergoes decay...The activity of 14C in a living sample is 0.25 Bq/g of carbon. The half-life of 14C is 5730 yr Write...Two radioactive sample with equal number of nuclides A and B, (NA=NB=N0) at t=0 has half-life of 3.0...The given equation of carbon cycle CNO-I that takes place inside stars is 11p+715N→612C+ba(?) Here,...A sample containing Iodine-131 has a initial activity of R0=64.5 mCi and molar mass of Iodine-131 is...The 3890Sr undergoes β− decay and emit an electron and changes a neutron in the nucleus to a proton....An α particle is approaching the gold nucleus with a kinetic energy Kα=1.0 MeV and the charge of α...In natural occurring of potassium, 0.0117% are radioactive 40K. The atomic mass of potassium is...Radioactive 238Pu is used as a power supply for a pacemaker and the replacement period of the...The given reaction iss α+714N→p+? Here, (?) is the unknown reaction product. Conservation of nucleon...238U undergoes radioactive decay and produces an α particle with kinetic energy of K=4.17 MeV. The...The atom is made any of six quarks or antiquarks and six leptons or antileptons. The six quarks are...The given decay reaction is shown below, π−→μ−+ν¯μ Write the equation for conservation of momentum....The proton is accelerated energy is 7 TeV. Write the equation for relativistic energy. E=mc21−v2c2...

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