Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition, Fifth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design) - 5th Edition - by David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy - ISBN 9780124077263

Computer Organization and Design MIPS E...
5th Edition
David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
Publisher: Elsevier Science
ISBN: 9780124077263

Solutions for Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition, Fifth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)

Book Details

The 5th edition of Computer Organization and Design moves forward into the post-PC era with new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud. This generational change is emphasized and explored with updated content featuring tablet computers, cloud infrastructure, and the ARM (mobile computing devices) and x86 (cloud computing) architectures.

Because an understanding of modern hardware is essential to achieving good performance and energy efficiency, this edition adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," used throughout the text to demonstrate extremely effective optimization techniques. Also new to this edition is discussion of the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture.

As with previous editions, a MIPS processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O.

Instructors looking for 4th Edition teaching materials should e-mail [email protected]

  • Includes new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the Cloud.
  • Covers parallelism in depth with examples and content highlighting parallel hardware and software topics
  • Features the Intel Core i7, ARM Cortex-A8 and NVIDIA Fermi GPU as real-world examples throughout the book
  • Adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," to demonstrate how understanding hardware can inspire software optimizations that improve performance by 200 times.
  • Discusses and highlights the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture: Performance via Parallelism; Performance via Pipelining; Performance via Prediction; Design for Moore's Law; Hierarchy of Memories; Abstraction to Simplify Design; Make the Common Case Fast; and Dependability via Redundancy.
  • Includes a full set of updated and improved exercises.

Sample Solutions for this Textbook

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More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)
1st Edition
ISBN: 9780128122754
Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780128201091
6th Edition
ISBN: 9798203936493
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780128245583
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780128203316
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781558604285
Computer Organization and Design, Revised Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780123747501
Computer Organization and Design : The Hardware/Software Interface
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781558606043

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