
Writing Skills Analysis

Decent Essays

Writing skills are the primary role in communication. Excellent writing skills allow you to state information with accuracies and it makes your paper look professional if you know how to use it. Good writing skills not only helps you boost up your grade in your essay but it is the key asset at every stage of your career, from the time you write the resume until your retirement party. I always struggle when I have to write papers for classes. All I knew was I needed to have the introduction, thesis, three main points, and conclusion but that doesn't mean the quality of the paper is good. However, I learned a lot of strategies and techniques in English 90 that is a lot different than High School that is focused on grammar rules and other English rules. In this class, I gain more knowledge of how I can use the structure of the terms I learned in class or read like unity, function of the paragraph, and cubing to apply them to my writing. …show more content…

In chapter 4 and page 94 of Model for Writer, it talks about how unity is the essential quality in the well-written essay and how the element in the writing (paragraph or essay) must be related to the main idea and the thesis of the paper. An example from the book, “But to be effective it must also avoid digression and remain close to another main idea”. Another essay that illustrates unity in the text called No Mercy on page 101-103. In this essay, the author used keyword and transitional to relate to the main idea of the essay instead of using the supporting sentence. All of these examples in chapter 4 and the essay help me give a good characteristic to my writing. Also, how my topic sentence, supporting sentence and conclusion relate to the main idea of the paper. Overall unity helps me explain how my thesis connects to every paragraph in the

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