
Reflective Essay: Course Analysis

Decent Essays

Now that I have completed the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth course Crafting the Essay, I feel I have tremendously grown as a writer. Even after submitting the first assignment, I looked back at a position paper I wrote for school that I received an A+ on, yet I saw several flaws I wished I had changed.
I feel I have significantly improved on my aspects of punctuation in grammar; the progressions Leslie suggested to me on said aspects synchronized with the grammar lessons taught in my English Honors class. I also feel that my vocabulary has developed extensively throughout the course, as well as my structural and organizational skills in my writing pieces.
While I have radically improved as a writer throughout the …show more content…

If I stutter whatsoever or blatantly recognize a fault in my piece, I change it immediately. I also wish I had less work outside of the course (such as schoolwork, housework, social events, etc.) so I could have spent more time on my pieces for it. Some of my pieces were started only a few days before the assignment was due, and I wished I had had more time to edit and proofread. I have gained many insights I have gained about descriptive and narrative writing over this course. The one that I will take the most away from the course is my realization of my own tone and voice that I possess in my pieces and how to apply them in a narrative. I have also learned how to develop a tone and voice for others when I am writing a piece from the perspective of them. There are significant contrasts between characters, such as the wicked, selfish Amber and the kindhearted, welcoming Horace from Assignment 3, and I have learned how to establish nuances in dialogue and activity to individualize my characters. Although this insight may not apply to analytical writing, it certainly applies to persuasive writing. Perhaps if I wanted to persuade someone in a letter, this course helped me realize the tone I would need to establish in that letter to have him or her come to the realization that they should do what I would like. Lastly, revision drastically strengthens my drafts. As a writer, when I start

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