
Why Spanking Is Wrong

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Spanking in history was the typical punishment you would receive when you missed behave. Some fathers would take their belts off, make you grab a switch (a flexible tree branch that was used for punishment), a wooden spoon, or whatever was closest for the parent to grab. Spanking is defined as hitting a child on the bottom with an open hand. (Narvaez) All parents have had those moments when they are at their wits in with their children when they are being terrors, but instantly resorting to spanking is not the only resolution to get your children to listen. In fact, spanking your children may do more harm than good. Unfortunately, not all parents know the difference between abusing their children, and only spanking them one or two times. Abusing your children is never right, but spanking your child can be a form of abuse. Studies have shown that spanking may not …show more content…

So, parents use spanking at their instant reaction, while some parents try to redirect their child from redirect their child from temper tantrum. Parenting though is not easy and it is hard to maintain your composure and remain calm as possible. Children react to the way their parents are behaving as well. When a parent gets mad they lash out, maybe by yelling, or throwing things, however when a child sees this they mimic the behavior that they are observing. This a theory that most parents do not realize with youth today. Spanking children still common in the southern part of the United States. In fact, approximately it is prevalent in Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. (Analysis) Polls, have shown that approximately 62% of southerners still spank their child. (Analysis) This could be due to southerners keeping their heritage alive, and continuing raising children the way they were raise. While spanking may be effective at the time the child is misbehaving, it does not work

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