
Why Is It Important To Spank Children

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Conclusion While this review of literature on spanking children is limited in finding evidence in supporting spanking, the research available that opposes spanking is rather compelling. The findings from the reviewed articles provide advice to parents, both new and long-time, on how to discipline their children if they want their children to have the best outcomes. The studies that have been reviewed are only a small amount of what has been published regarding the negative impacts that spanking can have on children. Additionally, this research may be a start for a move in society to begin viewing spanking as a negative child-rearing practice. While there is a lot more research that could be reviewed on this topic, high levels of aggression, behavioral problems, and …show more content…

The only article available for review (from my student access account) at this time was very outdated and does not even fully support spanking. For future direction, there should be a move to begin to look and see if there are any sort of benefits of spanking. These could be anything, including respect or self-discipline later in life. Studies regarding the “pro-spanking” side of this controversy, however, will likely be difficult to conduct and time-consuming. The reason is because to effectively study either side of this controversy, a longitudinal study is required. To see if there are any benefits of spanking, studies may need to last as long as twenty or thirty years to assess benefits that carry out into adulthood and parenting. Studies lasting this long become difficult for participants to follow up with. However, it is important that more research be done to see if there are any benefits related to spanking children. If more research can be done, people may become less ignorant to either side of this topic and the controversy may have potential of being put to

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