
Why I Want To Pursue My Pre-Sch Education

Decent Essays

Since my preschool years, my parents encouraged me to excel academically. Before elementary school, my parents bought me a plethora of math work books, which I would spend hours on, learning to add and subtract large numbers. They took me to the library a countless number of times. There, I would grab the maximum number of books that my little arms could hold and read them all. My parents made sure that I was given the opportunities that eluded them during their childhood. My dad lived in Puerto Rico as a child. His family lived on a small income, eating mayonnaise sandwiches for lunch . My mom was raised up in a divorced home, where she had to cook, clean, and care for her entire family. After high school, she worked during the day and went to college at night. Their example and determination to give my siblings and I opportunities in life, has been a driving force for my future success. My older sister has served as the main role model for my academic determination. …show more content…

I love to learn about anything and everything and I hope that college will feed my hunger for knowledge. However, recent expenses have made that dream harder to achieve. Currently, my parents pay $25,000/year for my older sister to go to college, and they will soon be forced to take out loans to pay for her college(Spring 2016). In the Fall of 2017, my sister and I would be dual enrolled in college. The cost would double, and I was beginning to worry that I might not get a shot at college. In response to this, I began to study intensely for the SAT. Every day, for five months, I would spend an hour studying for the SAT, hoping that a higher score on the test would increase the chances for me to go to college. Even if I receive the opportunity to go through college, my younger sister follows me three years later for another college expense. I desire for me and my sister to go to college, so we can work hard in our classes, our jobs, and for the future of

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