
Bob Books Autobiography

Decent Essays

My parents introduced and read Bob Books before I even started school. This has been the first ever interaction with reading and the way I started to learn how to read. I remember that the beginning books were simple and focused on learning the alphabet and occasionally learning two and three letter words. The books then became progressively harder and more complex. My parents progressed me through the Bob Books and helped me with them every night.
These Bob Books had been the first ever material that I read and I actually enjoyed them because they got progressively harder. This presented a challenge to me as I wanted to be able to read that next book. This system led to me working hard on my reading at a very young age and made reading …show more content…

They were the ones that carved out time every night to sit down with me in my room and read these books. They fully committed to making me a proficient reader and committed to my education. I am so thankful that they valued education and put that at the top of the priority list in my life. Education and reading was put as the number one priority very early on in my life, this precedent is what eventually turned me into a successful student. Also, constant pressure and oversight from my parents forced me to do well in school. My love for competition and natural love of learning drove me to be the best at everything I did when I was younger. My parents also encouraged me and enabled me to do whatever my passions and desires led me to do. Looking back now, another thing that I greatly appreciate is how much my parents pushed me while I was growing up and learning. At the time I didn’t exactly enjoy the extra pressure or push but them pushing me to go above and beyond made me thrive as a kid and wildly secede and everything I did, including reading and …show more content…

I thought they were being unnecessarily critical, too persuasive, and sometimes ever harsh when I didn’t live up to their expectations (obviously their expectations were set very high). They didn’t accept average, it was instilled in me that average was a bad thing. Everything I did had to be above and beyond what was expected. Now looking back I am so thankful that they did this because exceeding expectations gets you further in life. Being above average definitely has its perks and people who are average fly under the radar in this world. Additionally, average people don’t change the world. Ok, some of them do but most likely because of luck. It’s the extraordinary people that get to change this world, the ones that go above and beyond. The ones that don’t settle for average and work until perfection is achieved. I now have these principles instilled in me because of my parents and Bob Books and I will be forever thankful to

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