
Why I Want To Pursue A Career In The Medical Field

Decent Essays

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” (Dr. Seuss) The direction that I choose is a career in the medical field. In order to attain my goal of becoming a doctor, I must first achieve my goals in undergraduate school. As I prepare for college next year, my goals are to graduate from college with a major in Pre-Medicine, to graduate from college with a 3.7 or higher grade point average (GPA), and to volunteer or work for a medical related field for at least six months.
To begin, my first goal going into college is to major in Pre-Medicine. This entails a combination of chemistry, biology, physics, anatomy, and statistics. A major in Pre-Medicine will require me to focus on my studies. I have a passion for Pre-Medicine because I would like to help people. …show more content…

In order to complete six months of volunteering or working in the medical field, I will need to locate a local hospital, hospice, or clinic where I could work or volunteer. Another option would be becoming a part-time emergency medical technician (EMT). I have already completed a twenty-four hour internship at St. Cloud Orthopedics. This allows me to stand out in relation to the other applicants for medical school. With my internship experience and other experiences comparable to it, it will show that I am prepared to pursue a further education in medicine.
To conclude, the three goals that I hope to achieve during college are to major in Pre-Medicine, to graduate from college with a 3.7 or higher GPA, and to volunteer or work for a medical related field for at least six months. As a result of attaining these three goals, I hope to be accepted into medical school and eventually become an endocrinologist, a radiologist, or an oncologist. “People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” (Earl

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