
Why Do Parents Need To Spank Essay

Decent Essays

Most parents have debates in whether "to spank or not spank' when it comes to their children discipline. However, the first and the most common response of many parents are to spank, then probable trouble back in their mind and ask themselves, did my response was okay? Many parents do not even bother to stop and think through their actions. Commonly corporal punishment comes out of hands; it is not disciplined anymore it becomes abuse. All parents have their tradition of discipline and probably believe is the correct one, because they were taught that way, some are okay, but others are “NOT” correct. Although some of the parents blame their own child, themselves or whatever is happening around them. The parents need to discipline their child in a way that is not …show more content…

Although some studies show that “a parent uses more corporal punishment from the time a child is 1 ½ to 3 years old (Socolar, R. S., Savage, E., & Evans, H. 2007, p.476). Most children get spank or punish, even do they do not know what they do; they are just a child who is trying to experiment with life. However, parents use corporal punishment in kids who are not capable of understanding jet. Nevertheless, these children are learning obedience through “use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but no injury, for the purpose of correction or control of a child’s behavior” (Fréchette, S., Zoratti, M., & Romano, E. 2015, p.135), (Straus and Donnelly 2001, p.4). Even so, the used of corporal punishment can make a child more aggressive instead of correcting their behavior, the frequent use of physical punishment the child thinks that is part of life, and that is the way to show love. Does corporal punishment is the only way that a parent can harm a child? Given a child whatever they want just because the parent does not want to deal with yelling, crying, or any action that would interrupt their

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