
What You Need : ‚é´ Deposit Card Essay

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What you need:
⎫ Deposit Card
⎫ (2) Shift Cards
⎫ Deposit folder or Envelope

How to:
1. Grab all required materials
2. Fill out shift card for corresponding POS
3. Place coupons, refunds, etc. in deposit folder or envelope
4. Log in under your code
5. Click new sale without guest
6. Go to functions tab
7. Select the pink button entitled “Drawer Finish” enter David’s code
8. Count the amount of bills and coins in the drawer and enter them in the corresponding amount (ex: you have 20 quarters; enter 20 in the quarter section)
9. Once you are done hit process
10. Once the receipt has printed you will need to look at the drawer finish, which is located at the bottom of the receipt. Once you see the total you will want to subtract $200 from it. The difference will be the amount of cash you take out from the drawer and place in the deposit (ex: drawer finish $439.12 So, $439.12- $200= $239.12 which makes the deposit amount $239.12)
11. Take out deposit amount and place it in the deposit folder or envelope
12. Grab deposit card and fill in the information from shift card and deposit amount
13. Staple shift card, drawer start, and drawer finish together and then place it in deposit folder or envelope
14. Repeat Steps 2- 12 for second POS
15. Calculate the drawer finish, cash deposit, and discount amounts on the deposit card
16. Complete the declaration (See page for how to)
17. Place all papers and cash in the deposit folder or envelope and drop it into the safe. If you are

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