
Observation of a Hallway Essay

Decent Essays

The building labeled B appears to be the main building for courses at Local Community College. Students walk in and out of the building all day and stop only to enter a classroom or buy food from the vending machines which fill one corner of the building’s long hallway. Often, students sit on the chairs that line the walls while waiting for a class to start, but for now the hallway is nearly empty and waiting for the ambush of students.

Outside the classroom, a number plaque reading one-hundred and seventy is sitting on the wall framed in blue. Another door nearby opens and the wind rustles the papers of the notebook that sits on a chair. Three people stroll casually out of the room and walk on the one foot by one foot …show more content…

She pulls out a new crisp one dollar bill and inserts it in the machine.

The hallway itself is long and extends in a straight line. The walls are painted a light grayish blue and the edges are lined by a molding the color of sand. Across from a classroom door, a fire extinguisher rests in its case concealed by dark glass. A young man also sits across from the door. He has dark hair about two inches long, and has it styled in casual disarray. His facial features are well formed, having a strong line about his jaw and thick eyebrows. His eyes are the color of the sky before a storm. His body is well proportioned and his clothes are made of designer quality. Other students walk by, but he does not look up and, even when addressed. He simply nods or speaks quietly and seems to be engrossed in the study of his book.

The air is filled with a sweet aroma as another female student walks by. The perfume is strong and people choke and turn their heads when she walks past them. The sound of noisy flip flops coming down the hallway alerts the boy and he rises to greet his friend. When standing, he is about six feet tall and seems to be well muscled. His friend was of much the same description, only the friend is slightly less muscled and his eyes are the color of the sky on a clear day. Girls leaning against the walls and sitting in the chairs in the hallway, stare at the two young men exiting the building in which they wait. The young men pay no attention and

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