
What I Learned In My Writing Class

Decent Essays

I started this semester with a entirely different mindset than the one I am ending it with. After all the lessons learned, papers written, and opinions changed, I have found myself not completely dreading getting a writing assignment, and even feeling confident with the piece I hand in. Literature will, from now on, be something I look at in a different light that is less stress and more beauty.
This class has taught me things that may help my writing, and also things that I don’t find as useful. I thought practicing comma rules gave me a better understanding of punctuation, but I still don’t fully understand passive and active sentence structure. I’ve explored different ways to write a paper and realized my favorite is starting with an outline. I try to get all of my ideas organized where I want them before going in and writing pages at a time. I never found peer editing quite as useful, because a lot of times I don’t like having other students read my work. All of these examples have lead me to become the writer I am now compared to the beginning of the semester. …show more content…

I no longer get nervous while handing in my writing assignments, but rather I feel confident in them and my writing abilities. Not only in personal circumstances, like confidence, but even as far as responsibility and procrastination go, I have improved. I know how long I will need to write a specific type of paper, such as needing twice as much time for a research paper compared to an essay question. Getting multiple writing assignments in a row was helpful, because I had to learn how to balance them and go straight from the emotions of a personal essay to a formal

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