
What Are The Three Biggest Issues In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Ask three people at your workplace what, in their opinion, are the three biggest issues in workplace ethics and why they hold that opinion. Report their rank in the organization and your findings.
According to Ruddell, ethics are the universal and unchanging standards of what we should do; what is good. (Ruddell, 2014 p. 8). It is interesting that this theme is also carried out in Wayne Gruden’s, “Business for the Glory of God,” and “Beyond Integrity,” by Scott Rae and Kenman Wong.
For example, "In the book Business for the Glory of God,” the author states, God created us so that we would imitate him and so that he could look at us and see something of his wonderful attributes reflected in us. " (Grudem, 2003, p. 13). He cites Genesis 1:31, (King James Version) And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. In fact, according to Grudem (2003), “[t]o be in God’s image means to be like God and to represent God on earth.
Without defining the concept of ethics, I asked three employees at Home Depot, “What are the three biggest issues in workplace ethics and why do you hold that opinion? I spoke to regular employees and not those in leadership positions. Their responses are as follows:

1st response- Lawn and Garden Associate
The three issues that this associate …show more content…

She advised, “That’s a good question!” She reflected that the people are the biggest issue in regard to workplace ethics because you cannot control what a person will do. She had concerns that Home Depot’s ethics training was also an issue not because it was inadequate training but because she felt that it is something that cannot be taught. She reiterated that it was the people and adding that once in the “work place” environment it is the “spirit” of the person that would allow them to do the right thing or not. She believed that the person’s spirit was the determinate

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