In an attempt to obtain a clearer awareness of my own ethical perspectives, I completed the Ethics Awareness Inventory. This inventory presented me with several questions into what I valued most and least as moral values. In addition, the inventory presented two sample situations involving ethical considerations from a management per-spective in a work environment.
Through taking this inventory, I was able to gain an insight into how my values and perceptions could shape my actions and the impact of those actions in future circum-stances. This insight will allow me the benefit of choosing which ethical perspective best suits the individual situations as they present themselves and provides me with
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The key word for each ethical philosophy category, Character, Obligation, Results, and Equity, represents a primary CORE value that forms a basis for ethical decision making within this ethical perspective." After an-swering these inventory questions, it is noted that my highest combined scores should in-dicate my personal perspective on ethics and the lowest score should show values that re-flect the least in my ethical views. The following table catalogs the scores received on December 16, 2007:
Based on these scores, my ethical perspective is most likely to match the Results Perspective description and least likely to be similar to the Equity Perspective descrip-tion. However, it is also recommended that I consider the idea that my individual per-spective is blended between the Results Perspective and the Obligation Perspective be-cause my highest combined scores are within one point of each other.
Because of this blending of ethical perspectives, it was highly recommended that I "consider whether (a) you are experiencing an internal conflict in attempting to function in two distinguishable moral realms, or (b) your ethical style is a blend of two
Now, let's see how learning about the Four Ethical Lenses and a simple method for decision-making can help you resolve a typical ethical dilemma. Ready?
Past research has discovered that managers react to ethical dilemmas according to the situation. If specific values that are related to ethical behavior can be identified, they would offer strong tools for managers who want to retain high standards of ethical behavior in their society.
My preferred lens is the rights and responsibility lens; I tend to use my reasoning skills (rationality) to determine my duties, or universal principles to be applied in specific situations. The rationality skill means I have the ability to think critically and analyze situations carefully. I also believe that individuals have a responsibility to determine for their selves what values should take priority when determining what an ethical behavior is (anatomy). The ethical lens inventory survey determined that I prioritize the value of autonomy over equality and that my primary concern is for individual rights, protecting individual rights ensure that everyone in the community is treated fairly.
Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2012. A Guide to Personal Awareness of Your Ethical Perspective and Style. Retrieved from
Rushworth Kidder suggests that decision-making is driven by our core values, morals and integrity, and that some decisions fall into one of two categories: Moral Temptations and Ethical Dilemmas.
My personal ethical lens is “Rights-responsibility and results lens.” The ethics game defines this lens as “I balance rationality and my intuition to decide how to complete tasks for the best of an individual.” Ethical lens report
My ethics have been formed over a lifetime of experiences. Because of these experiences and my personal beliefs, I use my rationality to decide what my duties are. I believe that each individual is independently responsible for their own morals. This corresponds with my personal preferred lens which is rights and responsibility. When faced with adversity, I use my practical nature to determine the best course of action. I want to ensure I have examined all angles and outcomes prior to making a
Above shows the three pillar diagram, a map of ethical theoretical perspectives and where they stand in comparison to each other. Towards the top is the theoretical perspectives which hold the viewpoint to do the most ethically whereas towards the lower levels of the diagram are the theories which pose to do the least required.
Ethics is the guiding force in any respectable organization. With a moral compass, especially in the leadership of organization, a company can become compromised and fall into a quagmire of legal issues, a tarnished reputation, and devaluation of company stock if it is a publically traded company. In pursuit of examine my own ethical lens I will analyze the ethical traits of an admired leader, my own traits as exhibited in the Ethical Lens Inventory, and how I make a decision concerning a particular ethical dilemma.
Everyday individuals are faced with issues associated with ethical dilemmas. Ethical dilemmas involve an individual’s behavior toward a moral standard, which may have been established from previous generations and passed along. In upholding the standards taught individual may be forced to take a particular action involving a decision when a behavior is considered non-ethical is when an ethical dilemma occurs. It can become difficult at times in making the correct decisions or solutions to the situation, which is why a code of ethics is established in the workplace. The code of ethics in the
My personal code of ethics is Equality and Sensibility. I believe in a predictable system that assures the well-being of all, especially those without power, is a just system. As a wife, mother, nurse and a member of a community, I strive to do the best I can in every aspect of my life. As a mother, I strive to be a good role model to my children and teach them the fundamentals of life. I strive to be able to give a solid foundation and an easy path to life whether it be school, finding who they want to be as they grow older and for a productive future. As a nurse, I strive for equality of care for every patient and to be able to be their voice when they are not
Social conscience and personal integrity are both values. As Keshen (2010) argues, values stem from beliefs which can be decomposed to what
Any decision affecting other people has ethical implications, and virtually all-important decisions reflect the decision maker's sensitivity and commitment to ethics. These decisions can be evaluated in terms of adherence to the six core ethical principles trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship (Josephson's, 2002).
In today's world, individuals can make a single decision that can have a profoundly positive or negative effect on their family, their employer, coworkers, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. Personal ethics are different for each person but for the most part, people want to be known as a good person, someone who can be trusted, and he or she are concerned about his or her relationships and personal reputations. As we go through this paper, we will focus on answering what are ethics, what are your ethics, where do your ethics come from, and how do you manifest your ethics?
Ethical judgment, in our everyday lives, is acquired via a complex combination of cultural background, particular workplace, past experiences and so on. The purpose of this essay is to examine two competing ethical concepts and approaches I used to evaluate my own moral development. In addition, this essay also conducted to analyze how my ethical being assist me to deal with moral dilemmas in two different work context: a commercial website in 2004 and a local government website in 2008.