
What Reason Does The Bible Give For Its Commands About Immigrants

Decent Essays

• Most of God’s prophets and chosen people, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses are all at some point immigrants in a foreign.
• Why does God call some of these “chosen people” to leave their home/families to go to a foreign land?
• God asks the Israelites to love immigrants and take them as their own people
• God protects Immigrants
• Why does God go to the extent of making laws against mistreating immigrants?
• Why are the punishments for mistreating immigrants so severe?

Question 2
An immigrant is an individual who leaves his/her land of origin and settles in a foreign land usually due to circumstances like war, famine, exile in search of a better life. From Genesis 12 onward God either commands or creates circumstances that drive his …show more content…

What reasons does the Bible give for its commands about immigrants?

• The Bible says that God is the protectors of all individuals who are poor and the weak.(Exodus 23:9)
• God asks people to be compassionate and merciful towards all people no matter their differences (Exodus 22:21)
• God sees us all as one kind of people .Human beings were created to work together and take dominion over the earth.This means every individual has worth in the eyes of God(Acts 17:26,
• God is encourages people to love one another. Christianity is based on love (Deuteronomy 10:19)(Deut 14:28-29)
• God made human beings in his own image .Image could mean God expects us to imitate his character (Ephesians 5:1)
e. Could immigrants become full citizens of Israel? Explain.
Immigrants could become full Christians as long as they contributed and followed the same laws the Israelites had to follow. In order for them to be considered as part of Israel they had to follow all the requirements to enjoy the benefits of being part of the community. (Deut 21:23).The immigrants were expected not to eat the food God forbade the Israelites to eat, to worship the same God they did and to pay tithes like the Israelites did as God would judge them all equally.(Leviticus …show more content…

Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are examples of people who experienced being immigrants. However God seems to have a purpose for driving each of them from their homes. One reason for making them foreigners is for God to build their characters. God asks Abraham to leave his home to go a foreign land so he can turn him into the man known to many as “the father of all nations” .Moses is exiled from Egypt into the wilderness for 40 years where God prepares him to be the man to bring the people of Israel out of Egypt. According to the Anchor Bible dictionary scholars refer to a sojourner as a person who occupies a position between that of his native born and foreign land .This Sojourner lacks the means and protection a person would normally in their native land have . Perhaps one of the reason God drives his chosen people out of their homes to a foreign land is to put them in a situation where they would have to depend entirely on God to protect and provide for them. Such circumstances not only help develop character but help the people of Israel develop a stronger relationship with

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