
Was Friar Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death Essay

Decent Essays

Do you think Friar should’ve married Romeo and Juliet? Certainly, anyone at this time would’ve said no because of their age, but was Friar responsible for their deaths or was the Capulets. In the end of the book, some might think that Friar was responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths, but Friar was just trying to do what he thought was the best for the both of them. He married the both of them in hopes that it would end the feud between the two families, thinking about not just the couple but for the safety of the entire town. That and he just wants the two to be happy so he secretly marries them in the end of Act 2. Additionally, his support went further than marrying the two children but trying to help them when Juliet is forced into marrying Paris. Giving Juliet a sleeping potion that have the effects of physically looking like she is dead to make her family think that she killed herself so she wouldn’t have to marry Paris then run away with Romeo. …show more content…

The Capulets were way to strict when it came to who was to marry who and the reason behind it, while the Montague did not really care about Romeo and Juliet’s elopement. They couldn’t know because obviously they would not approve and either send Romeo away or Juliet. Making Juliet marry Paris when she didn’t want to and her mother’s constant talk of marriage put Juliet in a very stressful situation, which she did not like at all. The feud got in the way and it ended Romeo and Juliet’s lives. In Act 2, scene 5, Tybalt complained that Romeo was at the party and was not happy about it. He used that opportunity to try and start a fight with the enemy when Romeo didn’t mean any harm. Also in the fight in the very beginning of the book, it was the Capulets that started the fight and enjoyed it even though they easy could have walked away and forget about the constant fight between the two

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